Advanced & Student Madricha Program

Are you ready to go deeper?

Are you committed to Torah observance?

Attended religious school or at least a full year in seminary?

Can you comprehend an intermediate Biblical text and read Rashi?

Ready to connect deeper to the body & soul of Torah?

Through our intensive morning classes devoted to Tanach, Halacha, Chassidut and chevruta, advanced students will be able to further develop their textual skills and improve their grasp of deeper Torah concepts as our teaching staff incorporates many kabbalistic and Chassidic concepts into each shiur.  An opportunity to further develop ones modern Hebrew is available through select shiurim which are taught in an easy Hebrew.  If you are looking for holistic Torah where you can connect to both the body and the soul of Torah, Midreshet B’erot Bat Ayin is exactly the place for you! Please note that the Advanced Program is dependent on adequate advanced student enrollment.

For those advanced students who enroll in our year program as a madricha, in addition to the above, you will gain valuable leadership experience and develop organizational skills that will prepare you for your future.

Advanced Student Requirements

Requirements of acceptance in Midreshet B’erot Bat Ayin’s advanced program:

  • Commitment to Torah observance, including tzniut (high neck lined shirt with sleeves past elbows, skirt below knees)
  • Prior Torah study for a minimum of one full year in seminary
  • Ability to read and comprehend an intermediate Biblical text with the help of a dictionary
  • Fluency in reading Rashi script
Student-Madricha Requirements

Requirements of acceptance in Midreshet B’erot Bat Ayin’s Student-Madricha Program are as for the Advanced Program:

  • Commitment to Torah observance, including tzniut (high neck lined shirt with sleeves past elbows, skirt below knees)
  • Prior Torah study for a minimum of one full year in seminary (preferably two)
  • Ability to read and comprehend an intermediate Biblical text with the help of a dictionary
  • Fluency in reading Rashi script


Our Student Madrichot are responsible, warm and caring and passionate about assisting others in Torah growth.
The responsibilities include:

  • Making sure students are where they need to be at all times
  • Acting as liason between students and staff
  • Assisting  in student learning in one on one and small groups
  • Taking leadership roles during special seminars and Shabbatonim

Course Descriptions

Textual Tanach Studies

Courses include a chevruta period and class discussion of the text with commentaries from the Hebrew sources. Students will be trained to gain the skills necessary to master the reading and comprehension of advanced texts.

What’s Bothering Rashi? (to be confirmed)
Learning the principles that govern Rashi’s interpretations, including commentaries on Rashi such as Mizrachi, the Maharal, and the Lubavitcher Rebbe.

Women in the Bible
An in-depth analysis of significant female Biblical personalities, both the well-known such as Chava, Sarah, and Rachel and the lesser-known such as Zerach, Avigail and Chulda. The course will include selected texts from the entire Tanach, accompanied by source sheets with readings from Midrash and Zohar, as well as classical commentaries.

Megillat Ruth – The Scroll of Ruth

Megillat Esther – The Scroll of Esther

Women Studies

Women in the Bible
This course provides an in-depth analysis of significant female Biblical personalities, such as Chava, Sarah, Rivka, Rachel, and Leah. Texts will include selections from the Torah, accompanied by readings from Midrash and the Zohar, as well as classical commentaries in Hebrew and English. The media of drama, creative writing, dance and song will be incorporated when appropriate.

Feminine Workshop (Women and Judaism)
Through textual study and by reflecting upon our own lives, we will explore the role of women in traditional Judaism. This highly interactive class includes thorough and thoughtful discussions of topics such as education, prayer, modesty, dating, marriage and family life.

Jewish Thought
Hebrew Language Development

(Beginning and Advanced levels)
A variety of teaching materials will be used to practice reading, writing, listening comprehension
and conversation throughout chevruta (learning partners) and courses.

Creativity & Self-Discovery

(Joint program for Beginners and Advanced levels)

Jewish Meditation
Based on techniques rooted in our own Jewish tradition, this course may seem a more viable alternative for one who is already familiar with Eastern and Western meditative traditions. Guided by a well-qualified instructor, the student is encouraged to enter upon the path of the inner spiritual experience. The goal for both beginning and seasoned meditators alike is to be ever mindful of how all the teachings of Torah, mitzvot and prayers connect us directly to G-d.

Meditative Movement
We develop flexibility and strength, health and awareness through exercises focusing on the harmony and unity of body, breath, and mind. We learn about the sephirot to know ourselves made in G-d’s image as vessels for light and knowledge. We connect heaven and earth, the neshima (breath) and the neshama (soul). Through this connection we grow in tefila (prayer) and mitzvot, clinging to the Tree of Life, growing in peace and joy.

Spiritual Writing Workshop
Creative writing is a tool for connecting to one’s self, to one’s world and to our Creator. The workshop combines techniques such as mind maps, brainstorming, meditation, memory scanning and opening the heart in order to develop one’s creative, spiritual and perceptual abilities. Each class combines segments of theory, practice, and analysis of our works in a warm, encouraging and non-competitive atmosphere. The students are guided to explore and accept their inner thoughts and feelings and transform them into creative writing.

Wisdom of the Hebrew Alphabet (integrated into classes periodically)
The 22 sacred letters are the raw material of Creation. They are primal spiritual forces that combine endlessly just as the elements of chemistry. We study the form, name, numerical value, and dimensions hidden beneath the surface of the letters. As building blocks of holiness in the world, their study returns us to the roots of Torah.

Agricultural Workshop
Long ago, travelers to the Land of Israel willingly endangered their lives just to be able to step foot on the Holy Land. They would bow down and kiss its very ground. Through working the land, a Jew is able to connect with the Creator, and work as a partner with G-d in transforming thorns and thistles into a paradise of lush greenery, bountiful with flowers, fruits, vegetables and all kinds of herbs. A unique spiritual force enters one’s body and soul while out in the fields of the Judean Hills. Here our Patriarchs lived, traveled, experienced joys and hardships, and had visions and insights into the future. We, too, can attain higher awareness by simply reaching out to the earth.

Herbal Workshop
The purpose of this workshop is to integrate Eastern, Western and Native American herbology with the ancient wisdom of the Torah. The course includes textual learning of Jewish sources on herbs and healing, as well as general knowledge of the use of herbs. Moreover, the workshop includes practice in the growing and gathering of herbs, and in preparation of infusions, oils and tinctures.

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