The Multicolored Unicorn

Nature in the Parasha: Parashat Teruma Printable VersionTachash: Dolphin, Goat or Seal? From childhood fairy tales, unicorns have long enchanted us with their mystical grace, finesse, and unconquerable nature. Perhaps the legends of the primeval unicorn were...

The Bitter Tree Sweetener

Nature in the Parasha – Parashat B’Shalach Printable VersionReduce and Reuse The Tree of LifeIt is no wonder that we always read Parashat B’Shalach in proximity with Tu b’Shevat – the New Year of the Tree. There are several beautiful references and deep...

The Self-Restrained Dog

Nature in the Torah: Parashat BoPrintable VersionDoesn’t this title sound like an oxymora? We all know that dogs are everything but self-restrained. This is why, in this week’s parasha, it was such a miracle that, “No dog wagged its tongue against the children of...