The B’erot Bat Ayin Songbook with Guitar Chords & Torah Tidbits
- Author: Rebbetzin Chana Bracha Siegelbaum
- Publisher: Midreshet B’erot Bat Ayin
- 180 pages, softcover
- Cost: 100 nis / 140nis with shipping & handling Israel only, free pickup in Bat Ayin, message us for pick-up times on Campus or other pick-up locations in Israel (
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Some people have a gastronomic connection to Judaism, but many more have a musical connection. Jewish music enters the neshama (soul) and opens it for kedusha (holiness). Through melody, we can elevate ourselves and experience the immanence of G-d’s presence like King David, who expressed praise and thanksgiving, prayer and supplication to Hashem. In the Temple, the Levites praised Hashem through their holy instruments and song. In a sense, G-d was playing them as His instruments.
The B’erot Bat Ayin Songbook with Guitar Chords &Torah Tidbits responds to the spiritual renaissance of Jewish music in the wake of the redemption process. Of the songbook’s 87 songs, many are tunes to King David’s Tehillim (psalms), which have a particular power to enter the heart. Each melody can be downloaded through the QR provided by the book, which also includes simple guitar chords for each song. Playing guitar is easy to learn. It can sound nice when strum softly even by the greenest beginner. This songbook will familiarize you with many well-known Jewish songs pertaining to the cycle of the year and the Jewish holidays. You can use it in teaching, sing its songs at a kumzitz around the bonfire, and enhance your families holiday experience with the songs it offers you. The B’erot Bat Ayin Songbook can make your life so much richer, teaching you to keep singing, keep playing, keep dancing!
Women at the Crossroads: A Woman’s Perspective on the Weekly Torah Portion
- Author: Rebbetzin Chana Bracha Siegelbaum
- Publisher: Midreshet B’erot Bat Ayin
- ISBN: 978-I-936068-09-8
- 262 pages, softcover
- Cost: $18.95 plus shipping & handling
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WOMEN AT THE CROSSROADS: A WOMAN’S PERSPECTIVE ON THE WEEKLY TORAH PORTION addresses the single, most fundamental question defining Judaism today: What is the modern Jewish woman’s role – with all of her creative talents, intellectual capabilities, nurturing instincts and career interests – in a traditional Jewish society that seemingly restricts women to the home and, at best, menial workplace tasks? How can the dynamic woman in today’s world relate to the women of the Bible, who stand “in the tent,” behind their husbands, absorbed in family life?
Women today have more freedom than at any time in history. Yet, with this freedom, comes choices about how to balance family, work, community and self. A closer look at the women of the Torah – through the eyes of biblical commentators from past centuries until today – reveals the unique feminine qualities endowed to all women by G-d to help guide their daily decisions and relationships.
Placing traditional commentators, such as Rashi and the Ramban, side-by-side with Chassidic masters like the Meor V’shemesh and modern commentators including Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan, veteran Torah teacher and visionary Rebbetzin Chana Bracha Siegelbaum weaves together the strands that make up the tapestry of life for the Jewish woman – while showing how much she can learn from the Torah of the Mothers.
Rather than preaching the “feminist agenda,” the post-feminist author explains how Jewish women of today need to look inwards to the women in the Torah for guidance in choosing their priorities in life, rather than to the external, competitive, masculine world:
“. . . the highest achievements of Jewish femininity are accomplished specifically through fulfilling the traditional role of women in Judaism, rather than by attempting to imitate the more masculine Jewish rituals . . . the processes of pregnancy, birth, nurturing life, and personal prayer brings us much closer to Hashem than the experience of being in the spotlight by leading prayer services or officiating as rabbis.”
The Seven Fruits of the Land of Israel with their Mystical & Medicinal Properties
By Chana Bracha Siegelbaum
- ISBN: 9781940516523
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Rebbetzin Siegelbaum takes you on a journey of the Holy Land through the Seven Species identified in the Torah to have special significance to the Land of Israel: Wheat, barley, grapes, dates, figs, olives, pomegranates. Rebbetzin Siegelbaum takes you on a journey of the Holy Land through the Seven Species identified in the Torah to have special significance to the Land of Israel: Wheat, barley, grapes, dates, figs, olives, pomegranates. She traces their significance from Biblical times until modern day, delves deeply into their mystical and medicinal properties, and offers pages of wholesome recipes for each. The author contends that the Seven Species have immense potential to be transformed into spiritual energy, enabling us to perform mitzvoth, pray, learn Torah, and express creativity. She defends her position by revealing the nutritional, spiritual, and Kabbalistic aspects of each of the Seven Species, as well as natural healing methods using the medicinal properties of the Fruits of the Land to heal physically, emotionally, and spiritually. The result is a book that is unique in its integration of Torah teachings with medical nutritional research, all combined with a multitude of nutritious, colorful, and creative recipes. Bring the beauty and the bounty of the Land of Israel into your kitchen with recipes such as: Wild Winter Wheatsprout Salad, Mushroom Meal-in-a-Bowl Barley Soup, Raisin Carob Truffles and Chocolate Grape Leaves, Fruity Fig and Raisin Balls, Quinoa Pomegranate Almond Delight, Olive Bean Dip, and Guilt-free Chocolate Mousse Pie with Nutty (Date) Crust.
Ruth: Gleaning the Fallen Sparks illuminates the biblical story about a Moabite widow of a Bethlehemite, who became a righteous convert inspired by her mother-in-law Naomi. Her name was Ruth and her story has the ability to teach us so much about the laws concerning relationships, levirate marriage, true kindness, redemption, and gleaning from the fields both literally and spiritually. She married her older kinsman, Boaz, in order to preserve her deceased husband’s legacy and became the mother of Oved, the grandfather of King David. But there is more to Ruth’s story waiting to be discovered below the surface. In these fascinating and utterly enthralling pages, the story of Ruth is dissected in a way that it never has been before. Through intensive analysis and Chassidic insight, Rebbetzin Chana Bracha Siegelbaum illuminates the book of Ruth and enlivens it in a manner that’s accessible to all readers.Ruth, the mother of Royalty, is the perfect role model and inspiration for women who aspire to walk in her path of righteousness and make a difference in the world. Through this thorough analysis, Rebbetzin Siegelbaum shows us Ruth, the woman, and the righteous convert, in a totally new way that is truly inspirational.
Praise for Ruth: Gleaning the Fallen Sparks:
“Rebbetzin Siegelbaum’s inspiring and thoroughly enjoyable book Ruth: Gleaning the Fallen Sparks, exemplifies a deep, comprehensible and refreshing insight on the Book of Ruth. It not only grants special attention to its women-oriented aspects but gives the reader an exhilarating view of the subject from the angles of the Oral Torah and Kabbalah as well.” – Rabbi Lazer Brody
“The immense effort invested to explain and clarify Megillat Ruth is evident in this important book. The book is based on the teachings of our sages in the way of Chassidut. It is certainly extremely beneficial to learn and study this book in depth. It is a great merit to disseminate Torah and to understand the depths of the concealed matters of the Torah.” – Rabbi Ben Tzion Rabinowitz of Biala
Parasha Meditations
-Bereishit: Stepping Inward Toward the Hidden Light: For Spiritual Renewal and Strengthening Communication with the Creator
by Rebbetzin Chana Bracha Siegelbaum
Parasha Meditations facilitates a new way of learning by infusing selected Torah sections into your entire being: mind, heart, and soul – and even into the reflexes of your body. Tap into each Torah portion through a wealth of classical, mystical, and Chassidic commentaries conducive for meditative contemplation. Integrate the message of each parasha point through unique guided meditations for spiritual renewal. Allow these original meditations to touch your heart and soul and connect deeply with the wisdom of the Torah. Glean a personal message from of each parasha to facilitate your own spiritual journey. This book does not attempt to give you an overview of each of the Torah portions. Rather than offering the breadth and scope of the entire parasha, we deliberately delve into a particular concept that can be integrated into the very fibers of our existence. Each meditation takes only five to ten minutes, so even the busiest among us may find time to sit down with our souls, mindfully relaxing and opening ourselves to allow the Torah of the times to enter into our spirit, emotions and superconscious mind. You may choose to do the meditation with a partner, reading the meditation aloud to one another, or to record your own reading so you can leisurely listen and enjoy the meditations without having to look in the book. Alternatively, I have prepared downloadable recordings of each of the meditations available upon request.