Lech Lecha Without Goodbye
Abba, to an unknown world you took a stroll,
you went to yourself – to the essence of your soul.
To your eternal resting place where you dwell,
leaving me alone without kissing me farewell…
Abba, to an unknown world you took a stroll,
you went to yourself – to the essence of your soul.
To your eternal resting place where you dwell,
leaving me alone without kissing me farewell…
The countryside of Judea I call my home.
In my green, sunny garden, I love to roam.
I have lived here as far as I can remember back,
discovering every rock, terrace and winding track…
Grandma Behold the Heavens! Today I finally took down all the beautiful artistic drawings my granddaughters had made and pasted on our glass door so the light would shine through them…