Plants of Purification

Nature in the Parasha – Parashat Tazria/MetzoraPrintable VersionLet My Tongue Remain Chametz Free! “So what are you taking with you from Pesach?” asked my sister. I hesitated, it was not so much what I was taking with me, but more what I was not taking with me,...

The Pig of Return

Nature in the Parasha – Parashat SheminiPrintable VersionFinding Balance between Internal and External Expression People have told me that I’m more New York than New York. What does that mean? Being a non-American, I wasn’t sure. I was told that I’m so direct...

The Hyssop Paintbrush

Nature in the Parasha – The Pesach Torah ReadingPrintable VersionHyssop in Rebbetzin’s GardenOn Pesach, we read a special Torah portion. It is a short except from Parashat Bo that describes the Exodus from Egypt. The Israelites were commanded to sacrifice...

The Twilight Ram

Nature in the Parasha – Parashat Tzav Printable VersionThe Curved, Bent Ram’s Horn for the Shofar This week we will focus on the אֵיל/Ayil – Ram, mentioned eight times in Parashat Tzav. It was used for public burnt-offerings, guilt-offerings and...

The Levona Spice

Nature in the Parasha _Parashat VayikraPrintable VersionLevonaI was wondering about the לְבֹנָה/levona – frankincense, sprinkled on each of the daily Mincha grain offerings as it states, ספר ויקרא פרק ב:א וְנֶפֶשׁ כִּי תַקְרִיב קָרְבַּן מִנְחָה לַהָשֵׁם סֹלֶת יִהְיֶה...

The Crimson Creating Creature

Nature in the Parasha – Parashat VaYakhel/Pekudei Printable VersionIn this week’s double parasha the word שָׁנִי/shani – crimson or scarlet is mentioned 17 times – the numerical value of the word טוֹב/tov – good. This redder than red color was needed together...