The Self-Restrained Dog

Nature in the Torah: Parashat BoPrintable VersionDoesn’t this title sound like an oxymora? We all know that dogs are everything but self-restrained. This is why, in this week’s parasha, it was such a miracle that, “No dog wagged its tongue against the children of...

The Late Blooming Grain

Nature in the Torah: Parashat Va’erah Printable VersionThe Plague of Hail Corresponds to Chesed The Late Blooming Grain in Rebbetzin’s GardenThis week’s parasha includes the first seven the Ten Plagues, corresponding to the Seven Emotional Sefirot. Knowing G-d...

The Burning Bramble Bush

Nature in the Parasha: Parashat ShemotPrintable VersionConnecting to Hashem by Taking Notice of Nature Rubus SanctusMuch is taught about the ‘Burning Bush,’ and how Hashem revealed Himself to Moshe in the wilderness of Sinai while he was shepherding Yitro’s flock....

The Deer Sent Forth

Nature in the Parasha: Parashat Yayechi Printable Version When Ya’acov blessed his sons – the holy tribes of Israel on his deathbed, he compared many of them to animals. For example, Yehuda is compared to the lion, Binyamin to the wolf, Yessachar to the donkey, Dan to...

The Menorah Shaped Sheaves

Nature in the Parasha: Parashat MiketzPrintable VersionHashem’s Chanukia“Pharaoh awoke He fell asleep and dreamed a second time seven sheaves of grain, healthy and good, grew on a single stalk” (Bereishit 41:5). It is not by chance that we read about Pharaoh’s...