Just Alone With Your Essence

These Parsha meditations are inspired from my practice in emunahealing and from teaching emunahealing courses. I never experienced any of my writing flowing from me, the way these meditations flow. They get written on Fridays before my Shabbat preparations. I look...

Receiving Revelation and Healing

I hope you will try my parasha meditations. Baruch Hashem they are flowing to me, and I incorporate them into my emunahealing course. For myself, it is a very healing process to learn to be rather than do. There are so many things which need to be done perpetually,...

Go to Yourself: A Meditation

Now that we finally have entered the month of Chesvan, I enjoy the renewal of our daily routine following all the commotion of the holidays. After being loaded with all the lights of our spiritual experiences of Tishrei, we return to our daily day tasks with renewed...

Resting in G-d’s Ark

Parasha Meditation NoachBereishit 5:9-11:32The word in Hebrew for ‘ark’ is ‘teivah’ which also means ‘word.’ ‘Come to the word,’ G-d is telling us. This is true all year long, but especially now, right after the holidays when we have been earnestly working on...