The Holy Women who Protect Israel

This is a piece about Simchat Torah with a short commentary on the haftorah of Bereishit from where I extrapolated the important role of women to protect the Jewish people from anything negative. Rav Tzadok of Lublin teaches that while it is the role of the men to...

The Divine Treasure

From this week’s Sukkot Ingathering for Women SeminarWomen and Simchat Beit Hashoevah: The Secret of the Otherworldly Happiness during the Water Sacrifices of Sukkoth Printable VersionThe Custom Pearl Necklace Let me begin with a parable: Sarah who is almost...

Yonah: A Parable for Your Soul

Rebbetzin Chana Bracha with B’erot studentsat Ma’arat HaMachpela, Hevron this weekDear Friends,Hope you had a spirited prayerful Rosh Hashana, as we did here at Midreshet B’erot Bat Ayin, where more than twenty women prayed, learned, shared words of...

Repairing the Gaps

Haftorat Shabbat Shuvah Hoshea 14:1-10Printable VersionThis Haftorah of Repentance teach us about repairing the gap between our head and the rest of our being, between Hashem’s Infinite Light and His revelation in the world. Read on to learn about the...