Comfort for the Bereaved Woman

Rebbetzin Chana Bracha with students on the Fig HikeAs the fifth of the seven haftarot of consolation read between Tisha B’Av and Rosh Hashanah, this haftarah of only ten verses, conveys a compact, powerful and comforting message for the single woman, the divorced,...

The Stones of the Holy Tribes

Haftorat Re’ehYesha’yahu 54:11-55:5Printable VersionThis week’s haftorah is the third of a series of seven “haftarot of Consolation,” which began on the Shabbat following Tisha b’Av and continue until Rosh Hashanah. I found the metaphor about the different stones that...

The Shabbat of Vision

Haftorat DevarimYesha’yahu 1-1:1-27Printable versionI feel that Yesha’ahu is speaking straight to us today, to feel remorse for the ruin of our people, and to strengthen our vision in a future of a united thriving Torah community infused with justice, morality...