Soul Reincarnations

Haftorat Pinchas1 Melachim 18:46-19:21Printable VersionMy Haftorah commentary this week is all about reincarnations as learned from Zohar, Arizal and his students. Learning about soul reincarnations strengthen me in my desire to perfect myself here and now,...

Walking Modestly With Hashem

Rebbetzin dancing at an alumna’s weddingThis week’s haftorah includes the famous verse urging us to “walk modestly with Hashem”. I would like to call on you dear reader to share your perspective on how to apply this principle in our time. Haftorat BalakThe...

Birth, Renewal, and Redemption

Summer Program HikeWhen Shabbat falls on Rosh Chodesh, a special haftarah is recited instead of the one usually related to that week’s parashah. This haftorah is all about redemption, making me think about the specialness of Shabbat, Rosh Chodesh – I believe it is a...