Birkat HaIlanot

The Flowering Fruit Tree – A Sign of RedemptionThe month of Nissan carries the promise that redemption is on its way. Rosh Chodesh Nissan marks the beginning of the season for Birkat ha-Ilanot – the blessing we recite upon seeing fruit trees in bloom. The name Nissan...

Praising Hashem Through Song

This week’s haftorah teaches us the importance of praising Hashem in song. Hashem must be very pleased with the women of Midreshet B’erot Bat Ayin who praised Him profusely in our musical hallel on Rosh Chodesh Adar. We are thankful to Chaya Fogelman for her joining...

Mirror Mirror on the… Kiyor

Blossoming Almond Flowers in Bat AyinWe would like to welcome Rabbi Avraham Iskowitz to share some insights on this week’s parsha. He is a long standing teacher of Jewish Thought at Midreshet Bat Ayin. In addition to teaching, he is a Torah Scribe/Sofer and is...

Purim and Unity

We have invited Rabbi Yosef Benarroch this week to share some thoughts with us. Rabbi Benarroch is the Rabbi of Midreshet Eshel in Jerusalem and lectures here at Berot Bat Ayin. Born in Tangiers, Morocco, he holds a degree in Education from the University of Manitoba,...

The Power of Visualization

This Haftorah really speaks to me, reminding me to believe and visualize the goals of my journey in order to make it happen. You too can make all good things happen through your focused emunah in the things for which you hope. Let us together visualize the Final...