by Rebbetzin Chana Bracha | Uncategorized
Both the Torah reading and the haftorah following TubShevat are connected with trees and the message of TubShevat. Receiving the Torah at Mount Sinai is directly connected to TubShevat: The New Year of the Tree, as the Torah is the Tree of Life. TubShevat celebrates...
by Rebbetzin Chana Bracha | Uncategorized
I’m excited about the Torah reading and Haftorah of Shabbat Shirah, Shabbat the Shabbat preceding TubShevat which is overflowing with women. The Haftorah is the song of Devorah, paralleling the Parashah which includes Miriam’s song, drumming and dancing with the Women...
by Rebbetzin Chana Bracha | Uncategorized
Sisters!Thank G-d, at the end of this haftorah Hashem showed me an allusion to the evolvement of the three levels of Hashem’s Feminine In- dwelling Presence: “Daughter,” “Sister” and “Mother.” Both each individual Jew and the history of Israel go through these stages...
by Rebbetzin Chana Bracha | Uncategorized
B’erot Trip to the Ma’arat HaMachpala, buriel place of Sarah Imenu I have always been amazed when discovering in the Torah how our actions have such powerful effect on people and things that happens many generations later. Sarah our Mother not only...
by Rebbetzin Chana Bracha | Uncategorized
This Haftorah is about the ups and downs of the Jewish people on the verge of redemption. Sometimes when we feel most disconnected, we find solace in the voice of Hashem within us calling us back. In my experience, no matter what, we women retain our inner fire of...
by Rebbetzin Chana Bracha | Uncategorized
This Haftorah touches upon the bridge between life and death and mentions a very hidden woman in the Bible, Tzeruriah who really sparked my interest. I am also sharing with you some highlights on why we pray for someone using the name of their mother while after death...