The Tashlich Prayer

Every Rosh Hashanah, on the first afternoon, a short while before sunset, I’ve been joining my community in the ritual of Tashlich (literally “to cast forth”). We go to a place of natural water (lakes, rivers or sea) where there are fish. Here in Bat Ayin, we all go...

Unfolding the Light of Redemption

Rebbetzin’s Yovel Celebration in her gardenAs the sixth of the seven haftarot of consolation read between Tisha B’Av and Rosh Hashanah, this penultimate haftarah describes the unfolding of the light of redemption in glowing words. I experienced a glimpse of this...

The Barren Woman Bursts Out in Song

Haftorat Ki Teitzei, Yesha’yahu 54:1-10As the fifth of the seven haftarot of consolation read between Tisha B’Av and Rosh Hashanah, this haftarah of only ten verses, conveys a compact, powerful and comforting message for the single woman, the divorced, widowed and...