Fear No-One but Hashem!

Haftorat Shoftim, Yesha’yahu 51:12 – 52:12.Haftarat Shoftim, the fourth of the seven “haftarot of consolation” read between Tisha B’Av and Rosh Hashana, opens with G d’s promise: “I, myself am the One that comforts you!” (Yesha’yahu 51:12). Whatever hardship we...

Is G-d “He” or “She”?

Rebbetzin Chana Bracha on her recent visit to Denmark.Haftorat EkevYesha’yahu 49:14-51:3Download the printable version.In the Prophesies of Redemption, Hashem is often described through the metaphor of a wife and mother. I discuss the connection between this...

The Inner Lights of Tu b’Av

Haftorah Parashat Va’etchananYeshayahu 40:1-26Printable VersionMazal tov to Midreshet B’erot Bat Ayin, born in 1997 on Tub’Av, at the time of celebrating the rise of the feminine! Our Midrasha is in the forefront of Jewish femininity, by building the...

Sinking into Mud

Haftorah Parshat DevarimYesha’yahu 1:1-27Shabbat ChazonDownload the printable version.I feel that Yesha’ahu is speaking directly to us today, that we should feel remorse for the ruin of our people, and strengthen our vision for a future of a united thriving...

The Invisible Bond of Family

Haftorat Matot-MaseiYirmeyahu 2:4 – 2:28Download the printable version.  Yesterday I attended the brit of my sister’s first grandson. It was such a wonderful experience to celebrate with the extended family, religious as well as secular. If anyone is...