Online Orthodox Jewish Conversion Course through Midreshet B’erot Bat Ayin
Midreshet B’erot Bat Ayin private Online Orthodox Jewish Conversion Course offers conversion for those who are unable to uproot themselves from their home for a 15-month period to come to Israel to convert. Our online 1-year conversion program offers a halachic conversion through an Orthodox beit din (Rabbinical court) here in Israel.
Our curriculum includes:
- Conversion Guide booklet including a list of recommended books for self-study.
- Access to recorded shiurim in Bible study and Jewish Law (Recordings of six weekly classes will be sent to you once per week).
- Well rounded selection of classes includes Halacha (Jewish Law,) holidays, Shabbat, Kashrut, prayer and basic Jewish concepts.
- Option to enroll at Midreshet B’erot Bat Ayin Conversion Program in Israel for two-three months where you will have the opportunity to be fully absorbed into the orthodox community and learn in our full-time program.
- Mandatory two-week enrollment close to the end of the conversion process when you will meet with the beit din to finalize your orthodox conversion.
- Personal guidance and individual study program via weekly ½ hour private question/answer session with Rebbetzin Chana Bracha Siegelbaum, the founder and director of Midreshet B’erot Bat Ayin.
- Periodic testing to monitor your learning progress.

“I took away from the classes so much more than Torah and halacha . . . I learned what it truly means to be an Eshet Chayil.” – Tiferet
Basic requirements:
- Recommendation letters from Rabbis and Jewish families attesting to the applicant’s involvement in a Jewish community and her sincerity in wanting to keep the Torah and mitzvot. A minimum of one such letter must be brought with you when you come to Israel for the beit din appointment.
- If married or with children, the husband and young children must be willing to undergo a conversion.
- If involved with a Jewish partner, the partner must demonstrate with letters from the community rabbi that he is taking classes in Judaism and is willing to observe the mitzvot. The Jewish partner is required to come to Israel and meet with the beit din together with the conversion candidate.
- Living in an orthodox Jewish community in their hometown (or if not currently in an orthodox community, the conversion candidate must relocate to an orthodox community three months prior to converting.
- If you are unable to relocate to a Jewish community, you may still enroll in our online conversion program without finalizing your conversion with Midreshet B’erot Bat Ayin at this time.
“The rabbi and staff are so caring… I had to work hard to get through the conversion process, but I knew I always had their support, whether I needed help understanding a letter from Misrad Hapnim or a shoulder to cry on. They were always there for me.” – Ahuva
The online program costs $250 per month or $400 per month for a couple. This covers:
- 6 weekly recordings of classes in Bible study and Halacha (Jewish Law).
- Comprehensive course material sent via email (weekly handouts, Conversion Guide booklet, Basic Jewish Questions, Recommended Reading list and more).
- Reduced tuition for 2-week stay – from $500 to $250
Additional fees include the one time payment of the mikvah enabling you to become a full Jewish woman!
For additional information or questions, please email
“I learned that I didn’t have to leave behind my art in order to be Jewish… Hashem gave me these unique talents to make a tikkun in the world.” – Haddas
Midreshet B’erot Bat Ayin will provide guidance and instructions to prepare the student for conversion. We cannot guarantee actual conversion after completion of the one-year course. Conversion depends on the student’s suitability according to our recommendation and the Rabbinical Court’s final decision.
Conversion Stories
Some short conversion stories from the Israel B’not Ruth Program…
B’not Ruth Online – Preparing Sincere Women for Orthodox Jewish Conversion
A Program of Midreshet B’erot Bat Ayin: Holistic Torah Study for Women on the Land of Israel
Email: | Phone: (972-2) 993-4945 | Fax: (972-2) 993-1215
Address: Midreshet B’erot Bat Ayin | The Village of Bat Ayin | P.O Box 84 | Gush Etzion 90913 | ISRAEL