Our Philosophy
At B’not Ruth, we believe in following halacha strictly without compromise. Our students understand that becoming Jewish is a great responsibility. As a Gentile, one has only 7 commandments to keep, but as a Jew, one is obligated to keep 613 commandments. If one becomes Jewish and later does not keep the Jewish commandments seriously, the consequences are great.
Our approach to teaching is not just to disseminate information, but to engage the whole person. Our students are challenged to integrate their textual learning with creativity such as visual and performing arts, and agricultural cultivation. By engaging body, mind and soul through workshops in self-expression and meditation, serious textual study becomes a source of growth and self-transformation.
Making G-d consciousness infuse every part of our lives, even the most mundane, characterizes our holistic outlook. Our students work the Land, and experience its essential connection to Torah. Cultivating the earth, composting, collecting wild herbs, and preparing wholesome meals are all integral to our learning process.
Students learning at B’not Ruth become integrated into the Jewish community in which they live. The Village of Bat Ayin, sheltered from the distraction of the city, encompasses an intense encounter with religious life and halachic observance, including proper modest apparel and demeanor. This environment is instrumental in inculcating Jewish values and reinforcing the classroom teachings learned from Torah texts.
The rural setting of the village emphasizes wholesome living and natural eating conducive to developing a warm, supportive community. Here, the women grow close by sharing with and nurturing one another.
B’not Ruth is suitable for women of all ages and backgrounds who are serious in their desire to learn more than the basic minimum required in order to convert. B’not Ruth also attracts professional, academic and highly creative and artistic women who are encouraged to integrate and express their talents in a Jewish context.
Director and Rabbi of B’not Ruth
Rebbetzin Chana Bracha Siegelbaum, Founder and Director
Rebbetzin Chana Bracha Siegelbaum, a native of Denmark, is founder and director of Midreshet B’erot Bat Ayin: Holistic Torah Study for Women on the Land. She holds a Bachelor of Education in Bible and Jewish Philosophy from Michlala Jerusalem College for Women, and a Masters of Art in Jewish History from Touro College. Rebbetzin Chana Bracha creates curricula emphasizing women’s spiritual empowerment through traditional Torah values. In 2010 she published her first book, Women at the Crossroads: A Woman’s Perspective on the Weekly Torah Portion. Her second book Ruth: Gleaning the Fallen Sparks was published in 2012, and her third book The Seven Fruits of the Land of Israel with their Mystical & Medicinal Properties is published by Menorah Books in 2014. In addition, the Rebbetzin practices EmunaHealing as a gifted spiritual healer through Emunah, tefilah and energy work. Chana Bracha has a married son and several granddaughters, and lives with her husband and younger son on the land of the Judean hills, Israel.
Rabbi Mechael Siegelbaum, Rabbi of B’not Ruth Conversion Program
Rabbi Dr. Siegelbaum holds a BA in Philosophy and Psychology from Yale University, and an MD from Rutgers Medical School, New Jersey. Rabbi Mechael received his rabbinical ordination from Toras Zekeinim, Jerusalem in 1987.
In addition to teaching Halacha in B’erot Bat Ayin, he practices medicine in various clinics.
Rabbinic Endorsements
B’not Ruth, the conversion program of Midreshet B’erot Bat Ayin, is endorsed by:
The Chief Beit Din of Jerusalem
The Office of the Head of Government,
The Directors of the Beith Din designated for Conversion
13 Sivan, 5768
June 16, 2008
To Whom It May Concern:
We hereby come to verify, that we know and recognize the conversion program established at Midreshet B’erot Bat Ayin for English speaking women, run by Rav Yosef Benarroch and Rebbetzin Chana Bracha Siegelbaum,
The Midrasha has been involved for more than seven years in preparing students for conversion. These students are brought at the end of the process before the Beit Din of Conversion in Jerusalem, and they are generally accepted happily by the Beit Din.
The students are guided by the families of the Bat Ayin Yishuv, who support their integration into Jewish life.
Likewise the majority of the students of the Midrasha establish Torah true homes in Israel.
We hereby recommend this conversion program for women who are in the process of conversion. It is our hope that this work relationship with the Midrasha, its staff, and students will continue throughout time.
With Blesings,
HaRav Eliyahu Maimon
Director of the Jewish Courts for Conversion

Rebbetzin Chana Bracha Siegelbaum has Rabbinic Endorsements from:
The Biala Rebbe
Ben Tzion Rabinowitz
The Admor of Biala
Rh’ Sorotskin 47,
Tamuz, 5765
To the honor of my generous brothers, sons of Israel who bestows deeds of kindness,
Behold I recommend with a full heart the important Rebbetzin Chana Bracha Siegelbaum may she live, the director of Midreshet B’erot Bat Ayin. I know the Rebbetzin personally and have been guiding her with advice etc. in her holy work for several years in her Harbatzat Torah (disseminating of Torah) and bringing Jewish girls and women close to Torah and mitzvoth.
Baruch Hashem she is very successful in her holy avodah (service) explained above. She endeavors to accept into her institution serious and stable girls who desire to come close to their Creator and to the knowledge of the Jewish religion, according to what has been received upon us from generation to generation from the giving of the Torah on Mount Sinai.
The Rebbetzin, may she live, is a G-d fearing woman, who works very hard and puts great efforts to bring Jewish women close to their Father in Heaven, through pleasant ways. Fortunate are those who merit to support her and to help her with donations to assist her in building a permanent building. Whoever gives their hand for this important building will be blessed from Heaven, and the wishes of his heart will be fulfilled for good.
With Blessing,
Ben Tzion Rabbinowitz
Rebbe of Biala
Rav Tzvi Hersh Weinreb
Recommendation from Shomrei Emunah
March 12, 2001
17th of Adar, 5761
To Whom It May Concern,
I am familiar with Midreshet B’erot Bat Ayin, and its Director, Chana Bracha Siegelbaum. I am impressed with this innovative and sensitive source for Jewish learning and Jewish growth. This is a program which speaks to the soul, body and mind of the Jewish woman.
Mrs. Siegelbaum excels at combining traditional and experimental techniques to create powerful learning environment. Her activities all conform to normative halacha, and she is able to reach out to Jewish women of all backgrounds.
As a Rabbi and a psychologist, I am impressed by her pedagogical expertise and human sensitivity. I recommend this program to women who are interested in exploring their Judaism, and who are serious about their personal growth.
Very truly yours,
Tzvi Hersh Weinreb, Ph. D.
Rabbi Ephraim Greenblatt
February, 1990
I intend her to write a letter of recommendation to the educator Mrs. Chana Siegelbaum, who is an educator here in Beith Yaacov, and the lessons that she gives over to her students are of the highest quality. She has a great way of explaining and gives over the material with many commentaries. Chana spends many hours of preparation for each class, and the students B”H know and understand her classes, and relate to her, not only like an educator but like a mother dedicated to her children.
Likewise she gives classes in different topics to women who gather once a week, and the women who attend the shiurim are highly enriched by her Torah. Chana received a special ability to be a dedicated teacher and educator from Hashem Yisborach. Any institution who receives her to be an educator, will find nachat (be pleased) with her. The work that she does is the work of truth; she puts in all her koach (strength) to prepare the classes and to give them over. Likewise, when she speaks personally with each student, the student comes out greatly fulfilled, and the direction of the school is very pleased with her.
Her place is to strengthen the daughters of Israel in Torah. She is a strong and highly qualified teacher with a rich wealth of knowledge.
I do not write this to exaggerate, but I wrote the truth according how I heard much about how she teaches. Fortunate is her portion, and fortunate is the one who receives her to be an educator in their institution.
I came to sign the second day of Parshat Truma, Erev Rosh Chodesh Adar 1, 5752
Rabbi Ephraim Greenblatt
Memphis, Tennessee
Author of Sh’elot u’tshuvot
“R’vavot Ephraim”
Oruch Chaim, 5 volumes
Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller
January 7, 2001
To Whom it May Concern,
There are many ways by which young people find their way towards spiritual discovery. Midreshet B’erot Bat Ayin offers the opportunity for study in a unique environment. Chana Bracha offers her students an in depth and eclectic experience in Judaic studies.
She has been active as a teacher for many years and has a unique approach towards spiritual seekers. It is my hope that she gains the financial backing to be able to expand her horizons and reach out further still.
Tziporah Heller
Rebbetzin M. Goldstein
Recommendation from the Diaspora Yeshiva
July 9th 1989
6 Tamuz, 5749
This is to certify that Chana Siegelbaum taught in the beginners program of our Women’s division for a period of three years 1983-1985. During this period Chana also acted as the overall Director of the program for one year.
We are able to recommend, with great pleasure, the skills and dedication of Chana, both as a teacher and an administrator. We believe she will bring credit to any educational program with which she is associated. We feel well qualified to recommend Chana’s overall character and integrity as an Eishet Chayil.
Sincerely yours,
Rebbitzen M. Goldstein
Dean of Women, Diaspora Yeshiva – Toras Israel
Rabbi Daniel Kohn
To Whom it May Concern:
I am writing to praise the fine work of Mrs. Chana Bracha Siegelbaum in bringing Jewish women closer to Torah. With dedication and commitment she has been managing a unique program for close to four years here in our community and has provided many with both long and short-term seminars in Judaism. Many of the women who come have tried other institutions but have not found their places there. B’erot provides them with an unusual atmosphere and approach which combines both intellectually stimulating classes with an emphasis on the spirit. I have personally seen the significance her programs have had for many women.
It is certainly a great mitzvah to support her continued efforts for the sake of Klal Yisrael.
With blessings,
Rabbi Daniel Kohn
Rabbi of Bat Ayin
B’not Ruth – Preparing Sincere Women for Orthodox Jewish Conversion in Israel
A Program of Midreshet B’erot Bat Ayin: Holistic Torah Study for Women on the Land of Israel
Midreshet B’erot Bat Ayin | The Village of Bat Ayin | P.O Box 84 | Gush Etzion 90913 | ISRAEL
info@www.berotbatayin.org | Phone: (972-2) 993-4945 | Fax: (972-2) 993-1215