Easy access links to Rebbetzin Chana Bracha’s weekly Haftorah Commentaries:

The Book of Bereshit
Parashat Bereshit: The Holy Women who Protect Israel
Parashat Noach: Parshat Noach and Blessing in Disguise
Parashat Lech Lecha: Physical and Spiritual Renewal 
Parashat Vayeira: The Power of Women’s Emunah
Parashat Chayei Sarah: Developing our Feminine Attribute of Binah
Parashat Toldot: The “Esavs” and the “Ya’acovs” of Today
Parashat Vayetze: Ya’acov’s Toil to Deserve His Wives
Parashat Vayishlach: The Secret Power of Shema Yisrael
Parashat Vayeshev: Sisterly Sensitivity
Parashat Miketz (Chanukah): Sing and Rejoice, Daughter of Zion!
Parashat Vayigash: The Path to Peace and Redemption
Parashat Vayechi: The Bridge Between Life and Death

The Book of Shemot
Parashat Shemot: On the Verge of Redemption
Parashat Va’era: Our Actions Today Empower the Future
Parashat Bo: Hashem’s Feminine In-dwelling Presence
Parashat Beshalach: Devorah: “A Woman of Flames”
Parashat Yitro: (at present there is no commentary for this week)
Parashat Mishpatim: Overcoming Negative Patterns and Addiction
Parashat Terumah:(at present there is no commentary for this week)
Parashat Tetzaveh: The Power of Visualization
Parashat Ki Tisa:(at present there is no commentary for this week)
Parashat Vayakel – Pekudei: (at present there is no commentary for this week)

Parashat Shabbat Shekelim: Haftorat Shabbat Shekalim
Shabbat before or on Rosh Chodesh Nissan: Haftorat HaChodesh

The Book of Vayikra
Parashat Vayikra: Praising Hashem Through Song
Parashat Tzav:(at present there is no commentary for this week)
Parashat Shemini: The Dance of David
Parashat Tazria-Metzora: Reaching Perfection in Speech
Parashat Acharei Mot-Kedoshim: To Plant and Be Planted
Parashat Emor: The Power of Challah
Parashat Behar: Redeeming the Land – The Extension of Our Soul
Parashat Bechukotai/Behar-Bechukotai: Hashem’s Miracles in Our Time

The Book of Bamidbar
Parashat Bamidbar: Hashem’s Eternal Bond to Us
Parashat Naso: Hidden Lessons from a Hidden Woman
Parashat Beha’alotcha: Sing and Rejoice Daughter of Zion!
Parashat Shlach L’chah:The Ability to Completely Turn Life Around
Parashat Korach: The Feminine Role in Establishing True Kingdom
Parashat Chukat: The Pilegesh in Our Times
Parashat Balak: Walk Modestly with Your G-d
Parashat Pinchas: Soul Reincarnations
Parashat Matot: Monogamy – Reflecting Hashem’s Relationship with His People
Parashat Masai (Matot/Masai): The Way to Redemption Paved by the Jewish Family

The Book of Devarim
Parashat Devarim: The Shabbat of Vision
Parashat Va’etchanan: The Inner Lights of Tu b’Av
Parashat Eikev: Hashem – “He” or “She” or both?
Parashat Re’eh: The Stones of the Holy Tribes
Parashat Shoftim: Tapping into Hashem’s Comforting Energy
Parashat Ki Tetze: The Barren Woman Bursts Out in Song
Parashat Ki Tavo: Believe in Your Hidden Powers and Spiritual Grandeur!
Parashat Nitzavim: Dancing on the Bridge of Redemption
Parashat Vayelech:(at present there is no commentary for this week)
Parashat Ha’azinu: (at present there is no commentary for this week)

Special Haftorot
Preparing for Purim: Haftorat Parashat Zachor  
Haftorat Parashat Parah
Before or on Rosh Chodesh Nissan: Haftorat HaChodesh
Chanukah: Sing and Rejoice, Daughter of Zion!
Shabbat Teshuva (the Shabbat between Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur) “Repairing the Gaps”
