Rosh Chodesh Shevat - Herbal Festival

Join Midreshet B’erot Bat Ayin for a Unique Rosh Chodesh Experience!

Monday 23rd January 2023 – 11:30AM to 8:10PM

11:30 AM – 12 Noon: Musical Hallel with Chanie Plotke

12 Noon – 1 PM: Raw Food Prepariation with Edible Weeds & More with Kelilah Lichtenstein & B’erot Bat Ayin Staff

1:15 PM – 2:15 PM Green Herbal Lunch

2:30 PM – 3:45 PM Herbal Foraging & Textual Insight into Selected Edible Weeds with Rebbetzin Chana Bracha

4 PM – 5:10 PM: Meditative Tree Movement with Heather Gelb

5:20 PM – 6:30 PM: Healing Herbs & Plant Life in Solomon’s Song of Songs with Tsipi Egert

7:00 PM – 8:10 PM: Returning to our Inner Divine Roots with Sarah Goldstein

Full Program including Lunch with Early Bird Discount only ₪50

After January 17th Regular Registration is ₪65

Preregistration Required | Schedule is subject to change | For more information 

We are looking forward to seeing you!

Rebbetzin Chana Bracha Siegelbaum, a native of Denmark, is founder and director of Midreshet B’erot Bat Ayin: Holistic Torah for Women on the Land. She holds a Bachelor of Education in Bible and Jewish Philosophy from Michlala Jerusalem College for Women, and a Masters of Art in Jewish History from Touro College. Rebbetzin Chana Bracha creates curricula emphasizing women’s spiritual empowerment through traditional Torah values. She has published the following books: Women at the Crossroads: A Woman’s Perspective on the Weekly Torah Portion; Ruth: Gleaning the Fallen Sparks; The Seven Fruits of the Land of Israel with their Mystical & Medicinal Properties; The Nameless Chicken from Judea; Parasha Meditations for Spiritual Renewal and Strengthening Communication with the Creator and My Memoir: The Story of a Danish Jew who Fled the Nazis; The B’erot Bat Ayin Songbook with  Guitar Chords and Torah Tidbits. Rebbetzin practices EmunaHealing as a gifted spiritual healer through Emunah, tefilah and energy work. Chana Bracha has a married son and several granddaughters, and lives with her husband and younger son on the land of the Judean hills, Israel.

Heather raised five children in a wood house that her husband built in the Givat Hachish neighborhood of Alon Shevut. She is an aspiring writer, poet, banjo player, holistic nutritionist, reflexologist, creative yoga teacher, amateur actress, graphic designer and world traveler who also loves learning new tap steps in her dance class and immersing in endurance training for various road and trail runs across Israel and Europe. She published her memoir, a spiritual journey entitled From Hilltop to Hilltop: My Path from Rwanda to Israel.

Tsipi Egert grew up in Israel where she attended high school. She received her B.A. in Jewish History from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Tsipi has been teaching Nevi’im (The Prophets) at Midreshet B’erot Bat Ayin since 1998 and has a Master’s in Education in Tanach from H*erzog College. She is currently obtaining a MA at Hebrew University towards a PhD in Tanach. Tsipi lives with her family in Efrat, Gush Etzion.

Sarah has an extensive Torah education from various perspectives – from Old Gateshead seminary to B’erot Bat Ayin, Orayta summer program and learning at Shiviti. She has a BSc in psychology from BPP University in London. Sarah has been on her own internal journey to discover and receive the light, transformational wisdom and Divine connection available in the Torah. A lover of everything connected to the Torah of early chassidut, with a focus on the Torah of Rebbe Nachman and the writings of Rav Kook, she delves deeply into the texts of our tradition, while facilitating others to find their own connection and transformation as well.

Kalilah is a certified Montessori teacher, visionary artist, author and homeschooling mother. She has published her very own children’s storybook My Friend Avram. The Entire Lichtenstein family are passionate about gardening and we have seen a transformation on the grounds around B’erot with the family here. We are excited to have the Lichtensteins contribute their passion and experience to Midreshet B’erot Bat Ayin.

Upcoming Events & Seminars

Special 5783 Events 2022 /23

Elul-Tishrei Session Begins  In the Paths of Our Mothers – Sunday August 28 –  Tuesday October 11 – א’ אלול תשפ”ב – ט”ז תשרי תשפ”ג
Rosh Chodesh Elul Retreat  My Beloved & I – Sunday Aug. 28 –  א’ אלול תשפ”ב
Meditative Rosh HaShana Retreat  Rebirthing – Sunday – Tuesday, September 25- 27 – כ”ט אלול תשפ”ב – ב’ תשרי תשפ”ג
Tzom Gedalya  Fast, morning classes only – Wednesday Sept 28 – ג’ תשרי
Ma’arat HaMachpela  Visit the Cave of the Patriarchs – TBA
Yom Kippur Program  Return to the Land of Your Soul – Tuesday – Wednesday, October 4-5 – ט’-י’ תשרי
Sukkot Retreat  Ingathering Festival – Sunday – Tuesday, October 9-11 – י”ג-ט”ז תשרי
Break  No program – Wednesday – Tuesday, Oct 12-18 – י”ז – כ”ג תשרי
Post Shemita Garden Restoration  With Students and Volunteers – Wednesday – Monday October 19-24 – כ”ד – כ”ט תשרי
Fall Program  Go To Your Inner Selves – Tuesday Oct 25 – Monday Dec 19 – ל’ תשרי – כ”ה כסלו
Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan Event  Reach for the Rainbow – Tuesday Oct 25 – ל’ תשרי
Kever Rachel  Visiting Rachel Imeinu’s Tomb – TBA
Rosh Chodesh Kislev EmunaHealing Retreat – Tapping into the Light – Friday – Motzei Shabbat, November 24-25 – א’ כסלו- ב’ כסלב
Chanukah Yom Iyun  Chanukah Program & Party – Sunday – Monday, December 18-19 – כ”ד– כ”ה כסלו
Break  No Program – Tuesday – Monday, December 20-26 – כ”ו כסלו – ב’ טבת
Winter Program – Return to Your Roots – Tuesday December 27 – Monday February 6 – ג’ טבת – ט”ו שבט
Asara B’Tevet  Fast, morning classes only – Tuesday January 3 – י’ טבת
Winter Shabbat Out  Ramat Beit Shemesh – TBA
Rosh Chodesh Shevat Event  Herbal Festival – Monday January 23 – א’ שבט
Tu B’Shevat EmunaHealing Retreat – Restore Your Core – Friday – Monday, February 3-6 – יב – ט”ו שבט
Break  No Program – Wednesday – Shabbat, February 8-11 – י”ז- כ שבט
Mid-Winter Program  From Darkness to Light – Sunday Feb 12 – Tuesday March 7 – כ”א שבט – י”ד אדר
Rosh Chodesh Adar Event  Myrtle Dance & Spa Night – Tuesday Feb 21 – ל’ שבט
Ta’anit Esther  Special Prayer Program – Monday March 6 – י”ג אדר
Purim  Festive Party & Purim Bake – Monday night March 6 – י”ד אדר
Purim Program  Purim Spiel & Purim Seudah – Tuesday March 7 (11am -2 pm) – י”ד אדר
Pre-Pesach Program – Freedom & Cleansing – Sunday – Wednesday, March 12-29 – י”ט אדר – ז’ ניסן
Rosh Chodesh Nissan Retreat – Sprouting Forth Redemption – Thursday – Shabbat, March 23-25 – א’-ג’ ניסן
Break  No Program – Thurs March 30 – Shabbat April 15 – ח’ ניסן – כ”ד ניסן
Post Shemita Garden Restoration – With Students & Volunteers – Sunday – Thursday April 16 -21 – כ”ה – ל’ ניסן
Rosh Chodesh Iyar Emunahealing Retreat – Spiritual Detox – Friday April 21 – Shabbat, April 22 – ל’ ניסן – א’ אייר
Spring Program  Grow and Let Grow – Sunday April 23 – Shabbat, May 27 – ב’ אייר – סיון ז
Yom HaZikaron  Memorial Day – Tuesday April 25 – ד’ אייר
Yom HaAtzma’ut  Nature Hike & BBQ Singalong – Wednesday April 26 – ה’ אייר
Lag B’Omer  Partial program – Monday – Tuesday May 8-9 – י”ח אייר
Rosh Chodesh Sivan Event  Thank You Luncheon – Sunday May 21 – א’ סיון
Return to the Land Retreat – Week Retreat – Sunday – Shabbat, May 21-27 -א’ – ז’ סיון
Shavuot Retreat  From Sinai to Bat Ayin – Thursday – Shabbat, May 25-27 -ה’ – ז’ סיון
Break  No Program – Sunday May 28 – Friday June 2 – ח’-י”ג סיון
8-week Summer Program  Creative Ulpan with a Twist – Sunday June 4 – Thursday July 27 – ט”ו סיון – ט’ אב
Rosh Chodesh Tammuz Event  Ein Livne Hike – Monday June 19 – ל’ סיון
17th of Tammuz  Fast, Morning classes only – Sunday July 6 – י”ז תמוז
Fast of Tisha b’Av – Special Program – Wednesday –-Thursday, July 26-27 -ט’ אב
Break  No program – Sunday July 30 – Thursday August 17 – י”ב – ל’ אב
Elul – Tishrei 5783/84 Program  Facing Your Higher Self – Thursday Aug 17 – Shabbat Sept 30 – אלול תשפ”ג – ט”ז תשרי תשפ”ד

Want to find out more?