High Holiday Retreats for Women 2024 | 5785

in comfortable, peaceful Bat Ayin Retreat Center

Rosh Hashana Shabbaton
Oct 2 – 5 |
29 Elul – 2 Tishrei

Are you looking for a peaceful getaway for the New Year that will allow you to truly connect to HaShem and rejuvenate spiritually during the High Holidays?  Escape to the quiet and meditative nature of Bat Ayin for a truly uplifting Rosh Hashana!

  • Rejuvenate yourself spiritually for the New Year in a rural meditative setting!
  • Develop a deep connection with the tefilah of Rosh Hashana as you daven with the vibrant/spiritual community of Bat Ayin.
  • Rav & Rebbetzin Siegelbaum will inspire you as you learn the spiritual significance of the different simanim at our authentic prayerful Rosh Hashana evening Seder!
  • Learn in depth & experience tashlich like never before at one of the natural ma’ayanot of Bat Ayin!
  • Meet inspiring Bat Ayin families as you share meals with them during the retreat!
  • Become part of our supportive sisterhood as you hike, sing, meditate and enjoy nutritious meals.
  • Conclude the chaggim with a musical havdalah!
  • Reconnect, empower and renew yourself for the year ahead!

Retreat Center Room – NIS 1080
2-nights, 3-days, all meals
Early Bird – NIS 999 until Sep 25

Includes full program, nutritious meals hosted among the local families of Bat Ayin, kiddush snacks, two nights in our retreat center – private room with linens, AC/heater, refrigerator, private entrance.


Reflect & Release
Yom Kippur Retreat

Oct 11 – 12 | 9 – 10 Tishrei

Does Yom Kippur feel heavy for you at times? Did you know that Yom Kippur is the happiest day of the year, when women dressed in white would dance in the vineyards?  Replace hunger pangs with heartfelt tefilah and drawing near to Hashem! Experience the joy of teshuva as you pray, meditate and dance with spiritual sisters, coming together in true unity. Spend Yom Kippur in Bat Ayin and elevate yourself through the highest most heartfelt tefilah!

  • Discover the deepest insights about the holiest day of the year
  • Prepare yourself for Yom Kippur during the Seudah Hamafseket (Pre-Yom Kippur Meal)
  • Revive Your Soul when you experience Bat Ayin’s highest Tefilah!
  • Gain insights into Yom Kippur and sing from your heart at our Yom Kippur Women’s Tefilah Circle!
  • Break the fast as a group in Midreshet B’erot Bat Ayin and share your Yom Kippur experience with likeminded souls!
  • Draw closer to Hashem with your holy sisters as we delve into the beautiful depths of this highest holiest time!


Retreat Center Room (double occupancy/shared with one other woman) – NIS 400
1-night, 1 ½ days, all meals
Single occupancy/private room – NIS 450
Early Bird – NIS 385 (single occupancy) until Oct 1

Includes full program, nutritous Pre-Fast & Break-Fast meals, one night in our retreat center – private room with linens, AC/heater, refrigerator, private entrance.

Both Retreats (Yom Kippur & Sukkot) -NIS 650
(double occupancy)
Both Retreats (Yom Kippur & Sukkot) – NIS 775 (single occupancy) 



Ingathering Festival

Sukkot Retreat

Oct 16 – 17 | 14 – 16 Tishrei

Are you looking for an exhilarating Sukkot experience in the heart of nature, surrounded by trees, herbs and flowers? Rejoice in the Land with body and soul as you ingather the fruits of the year and experience the multilevel ingathering occurring at this very auspicious time.

  • Participate in building the Sukkah and learn the halachot and Chassidic insights pertaining to the Sukkah!
  • Express your creativity when decorating the Sukkah!
  • Learn deep spiritual insights on Sukkot and discover the inner aspects of the Sukkah!
  • Experience the joy of the Ingathering Festival as you pick organic fruits for your enjoyment!
  • Bring an instrument to play, sing, dance and drum within the special atmosphere of Bat Ayin, as we celebrate a musical Simchat Beit Hashoeva!


Retreat Center Room (double occupancy/shared with one other woman) – NIS 400
1-night, 1 ½ days, all meals
Single occupancy/private room – NIS 450
Early Bird – NIS 385 (single occupancy) until Oct 9

Includes full program, nutritous meals, one night in our retreat center – private room with linens, AC/heater, refrigerator, private entrance.




We look forward to celebrating
the High Holidays with you!

All payments to Midreshet B’erot Bat Ayin Retreat Center and Student Dormitories are considered a donation to support Midreshet B’erot Bat Ayin – Holistic Torah on the Land. Ma’aser (charity) money may be used to pay for your stay.

Retreat Cancellation Policy

* 60 NIS cancellation fee until 5 days before Retreat
* Within 5 days prior to retreat your payment, minus 60 NIS, will be applied to another Midreshet B’erot Bat Ayin retreat of your choice within 2 years.  

B’erot Bat Ayin Retreat Center offers you an opportunity to tune into your soul and access Hashem’s healing light within, against the backdrop of the rugged Judean hills and serene skies. Together with holy sisters, you will find beauty to feed your soul and peace to ease your mind while you enjoy nature, Torah teachings, and healing workshops. Take home a renewed connection to self, others, nature, and the Creator of All.

* B’erot Bat Ayin Retreat Center is located on 4 dunams in the center of Yishuv Bat Ayin, a 4-minute walk to our main shul.

* Register today to save your spot!

* Yes, pre-registration is required!

*Ask about our work-trade opportunity – info@berotbatayin.org