Intensive EmunaHealing (Jewish Energy Healing) Course Part 1.

Spiritual Healing from the Torah

Intensive EmunaHealing (Jewish Energy Healing) Course Part 1.

Learn practical healing tools through strengthening your emunah and connecting with Hashem’s light inherent in your own neshamah (soul). Learn to let go and allow Hashem to act in your place, in order to engender healing and wellbeing.

The course includes:

  • Torah sources on spiritual healing.
  • Clarification of how Emunah Healing works.
  • Learning to open the spiritual channels, mastering the Basic Prayer based on Derech Hashem by the Ramchal used in EmunaHealing.
  • Methods for identifying underlying spiritual blockages that prevents us from reaching our goals
  • Techniques for removing spiritual and emotional blocks, and how to attract your ideal marriage partner, generate parnassa and possibly overcoming infertility
  • Practice in the emunah-way of removing spiritual blockages through tefilah and energy work.
  • Guided meditations (visualizations) connecting you to the light of Hashem and empowering you to manifest your hidden potential
  • Spiritual healing exercises such as energy balls technique to remove spiritual blockages, and clearing the energy in a room or of an object by means of prayer formula.
  • Guided meditations (visualizations) connecting you to the light of Hashem
EmunaHealing Course Part 1 Curriculum

Session 1.
1. How does EmunaHealing Work?
2. EmunaHealing in the Torah
3. Prayer for removing Spiritual Blocks
4. Sending Light Meditation

Session 2.
1. Accessing Hashem’s Love and Sharing it with Others
2. The Energy Ball,
A. Advantages of the Energy Ball
B. Disadvantages of the Energy Ball
3. Prayer for removing Spiritual Blocks with Teshuva (repentance)
4. Emptying the Sack Meditation

Session 3.
1. Permission to Treat through Spiritual Healing
2. Opening the Spiritual Channels
3. The Stages of EmunaHealing
4. Meditation to Visualize Hashem as the King

Session 4.
1. Spiritual, Emotional and Physical Blocks
2. Fear, Trauma, Arrogance and Anger
3. Clearing Negative Energy from a Space or Item
4. The Power of Teshuva (Repentance)
5. Forgiveness on the Soul Level
6. Meditation on the Kohanim Blessing (Parashat Naso)

Session 5.
1. Demonstration of the Stages of Treatment
2. Defining the Problem
3. Treatment
4. Defining Secondary Problem
5. Chain of Fear
6. Closing the Treatment

Next course starts

June 9, 16,  23, 30,  July 7 (R”C Tamuz)

Time: Noon-2 PM EST | 7-9 PM Israel time


EmunaHealing Donation Fees:

All Registration for EmunaHealing courses are done through our Israeli Paypal:

You can pay with $ or another currency and PayPal will convert your $ or another currency into the course fee in Israeli Currency.

Early Bird Prices:

To claim the early-bird discount, you must register and pay one full week before the course begins.

The early-bird discount applies to one payment option only.

Online course with private EmunaHealing session NIS 680 ($180)
Online course only NIS 374 ($99)

Regular Prices:
Online course with private EmunaHealing session NIS 750 ($199)
Online course only NIS 445 ($118)
Two courses with 1 private EmunaHealing session NIS 1020 ($270)
Two courses only NIS 670 ($188)

Refresher (Past Particpant) Price: $59 for any course (NIS 222)

To claim the refresher price, you must have already taken that particular course.

The refresher course price does not apply to Emunahealing Circle.

Only one discount may be applied per course(s)

Regular Registration

For first time registration for any EmunaHealing Course

Quick Registration

For those who have previously taken any EmunaHealing Course

Past Participant Registration

For those retaking a course

I’ve been an energy healer for many years, and the EmunaHealing has given me new techniques and inspiration to apply to my healing work.

I went through a personal illness and was able to apply the EmunaHealing techniques to get in touch with the underlying emotional and spiritual causes of the illness, and to heal myself.

The EmunaHealing Course with Rebbetzin Chana Bracha has really enriched my life, I feel much more in touch with my neshama and closer to Hashem.

Any Questions?

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