EmunaHealing Kabbalah and Self-Healing 1

Healing with the Sefirot

Spiritual Healing from the Torah

Kabbalah and Self-Healing 1

Healing with the Sefirot

If you are interested in healing your life, join us to gain awareness of the spiritual light that surrounds you and tap into its healing properties. You will gain a wealth of information and spiritual healing techniques in this course. Participants learn a comprehensive understanding of the deeper meaning of the Sefirot (Hashem’s Kabbalistic Emanations) and how to use them in healing. If you already have a background in various Eastern healing methods you will welcome learning to differentiate between the Jewish and the Eastern modalities of healing. Packed with Torah texts, meditations and spiritual healing exercises, this intensive course will provide you additionally with useful skills for true forgiveness.

The course includes:

  • The Sefirot – The Interface between Hashem and the World
  • Spiritual Exercises and meditations to cleanse and open the various Sefirot
  • The Root of Sickness: Imbalance of the Right and Left side of the Tree of Life.
  • Healing Meditation to balance the Sefirot
  • Body Mind & Soul – Rav Ginsburgh’s Sefirotic System of Correspondence
  • The difference between the Sefirot and the Eastern Energy system
  • Ways to use the wisdom of the Eastern Energy System in a Jewish context
Kabbalah and Self-Healing 1: Healing with the Sefirot Curriculum

1. The Ten Sefirot of Healing Part 1
Introducing the Sefirot – The Interface between Hashem and the World
Definition of the Sefirot
The Ten Sefirot – Divided into Three Roots and Seven Branches
Scriptural Sources for the Ten Sefirot
Spiritual Exercise to cleanse and open the Sefirah Keter
Spiritual Exercise to open the Sefirah Da’at
The Intellectual Sefirot
The Seven Emotional Sefirot, (the Midot)
Healing Meditation to balance the Sefirot

2. The Ten Sefirot of Healing Part 2.
In the Image of G-d
The Root of Sickness: Imbalance of the Right and Left side of the Sefirot
Body Mind & Soul – Rav Ginsburgh’s Sefirotic System of Correspondence
The Intellectual Sefirot, Corresponding Glands, Disorders and Healing
The Crown Energy Center
Meditation to open Chachmah
Balancing Chachmah & Binah
Self-Examination Questions for Conscious Choice
The Sefirot Test

3. The Ten Sefirot of Healing Part 3
The Emotional Sefirot, Corresponding Glands, Disorders and Healing
Balancing Chesed & Gevurah
Spiritual Exercise: Activating your Netzach & Hod
Spiritual Exercise: Threading the Sefirot

4. Sefirot versus the Eastern Energy Centers
Differentiating between Jewish and Eastern Healing
The difference between the Sefirot and the Eastern Energy system
The spiritual gifts sent away from Yitzchak
Jewish Spiritual Healing –
Meditating on the Four lettered Names of Hashem
Meditating on the Permutation of Hashem’s Name for the Month of Elul
Ways to use the wisdom of the Eastern Energy System in a Jewish context

5. Spiritual Forgiveness Workshop
Forgiveness – מחילה –Clearing Negative Feelings from the Heart
Do not Bear a Grudge – The Mitzvah from the Torah
Negative affect on the Person who Bears a Grudge
Benefits of Forgiveness
Bearing a Grudge Injures the Sefirah of Tiferet – (Heart Energy Center)
Heart Wall/Spiritual Cholesterol
Meditation Heals Tiferet – the Heart
Removing Negative Emotions from the Heart Card
EmunaHealing Exercise: Asking for Forgiveness on the Soul Level
EmunaHealing Exercise: To get rid of pent up guilt, pain, grudge etc.
Ahavat Yisrael, The Geulah Process, Circumcising our Hearts

Next Course:

September 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 2024

Time: 12 PM-2 PM EST | 7:00-9 PM IST

Kabbalah and Self-Healing Course Fees

Early Bird Prices:
$180 (NIS 560) Online course with private EmunaHealing session
$99 (NIS 360) Online course only
To claim early-bird discount, you must register and pay one full week before the course begins.

Regular Prices:
$199 (NIS 600) Online course with private EmunaHealing session
$118 (NIS 400) Online course only
$340 (NIS 1050) Two courses with 2 private EmunaHealing sessions
$265 (NIS 860) Two courses with 1 private EmunaHealing session
$188 (NIS 670) Two courses only

*NIS for Israeli residents only
Refresher Price: $59 for any course (NIS 200) - to claim refresher price, you must have already taken that particular course. Refresher course price does not   apply to Emunahealing Circle.

*Only one discount may be applied per course(s)

Regular Registration

For first time registration for any EmunaHealing Course

Quick Registration

For those who have previously taken any EmunaHealing Course

Past Participant Registration

For those retaking a course

I’ve been an energy healer for many years, and the EmunaHealing has given me new techniques and inspiration to apply to my healing work.

I went through a personal illness and was able to apply the EmunaHealing techniques to get in touch with the underlying emotional and spiritual causes of the illness, and to heal myself.

The EmunaHealing Course with Rebbetzin Chana Bracha has really enriched my life, I feel much more in touch with my neshama and closer to Hashem.

Any Questions?

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