Kabbalah and Self-Healing 2
Spiritual ProtectionsSpiritual Healing from the Torah

Spiritual Protections
In today’s world, we need spiritual tools to protect ourselves from all the negative energy circulating. Just as we are surrounded by air, which we can’t necessarily see, there is energy all around us. When we enter a holy place where people think holy thoughts, pray, learn Torah and perform mitzvoth we can feel the holy energy. On the other hand, a place where people with negative thoughts and actions reside, the negative energy can be sensed. In order to protect ourselves from negative energy we need to learn to recognize it so that we can take the proper precautions. The Torah and Talmud is replete with descriptions of this kind of energy, and suggestions of how to protect ourselves from being susceptible to its effect. There are even halachic applications designed to protect us from negative energy. In this course, we will learn sources from Torah, Talmud and Halacha concerning negative energy and spiritual protections. The course includes prayers, incantations, meditations and special EmunaHealing exercises designed to strengthen your emunasystem and thus protect you from any negative energy. We will also touch upon gemstones with special protective powers according to our Torah traditions. The course includes two workshops that also stand on their own, “The Magen David and its Protective Secrets” and “Dream Interpretation according to the Torah.”
Kabbalah and Self-Healing 2: Spiritual Protections from Negative Energy Curriculum
In this workshop, you will learn about the power of our thoughts and the energy we send out. You will study the Evil Eye (Ayin Hara) in the Torah and Talmud and practice guided visualizations to protect yourself from negative energy. Talmudic sources will shed light on the various minhagim (customs) designed for spiritual protection such as the minhag to avoid counting people. You will acquire special EmunaHealing tools for protection such as the Light Bubble exercise and the Samech visualization.
2. “The Healing Power of the Eye”
Many of us may not be aware how many halahot (Jewish Laws) are designed to protect us from projecting or receiving negative energy. In this workshop, you will study examples of such halachot, as well as Torah sources on the power of the human eye to send energy, and develop righteous eyes inspired by the eye of Tzaddikim. You will also practice (segulot) spiritual remedies for protection from Ayin Hara, reciting special protective prayers. This way you will learn how to guard ourselves and become less susceptible to Ayin Hara and negativity. Furthermore, you will engage in EmunaHealing exercises for sending positive healing energy through your eyes.
3. “Overcoming Negative Energy through our Hands and Spiritual Remedies”
It is well known that Ayin Hara only affects those who believe in it. On the other hand, the Torah, Talmud and halacha is replete with descriptions and examples of the existence of Ayin Hara and its negative effects. In this workshop, you will discuss the question of whether to believe or not believe in Ayin Hara. You will also learn to focus on the power of your hands in spiritual healing, including the importance of ritual handwashing – Netilat Yadayim for purifying the energy. Furthermore, you will explore the symbol of the hand (Chamsa) for spiritual protection and practice the Chamsa Energy spiritual healing exercise. You will learn to identify the five kinds of negative energies and how to overcome them, and learn about additional spiritual remedies such as how to use gemstones for spiritual protection and the procedure of removing Ayin Hara through lead – עוֹפֶרֶת/oferet. In addition, you will practice spiritual healing exercises for healing others from the effect of negative energies.
4. “The Magen David and its Protective Secrets”
In this workshop, you will learn in depth insights about the protective secrets of the ancient Magen David symbol. You will learn about the spiritual significance of the Magen David throughout the ages and study the connection between the Magen David and the Sefirot, and the concepts of Ohr Makif (Surrounding Lights) versus Ohr Penimi (Inner Lights). You will also learn to balance masculine and feminine energy as represented by the triangles in the Magen David. In addition, you will explore the triangle connection between Hashem, Torah, Israel, and prepare yourself for the coming of Mashiach through the secret Magen David connection. The workshop includes guided meditations and spiritual healing exercises that access the protective power of the Magen David, and is enhanced by a colorful PowerPoint presentation.
5. “Dream Interpretation According to the Torah”
In this workshop, you will learn to recognize secrets about your own psyche through your dreams. You will study dream interpretation techniques from the Talmud through sources from the Bible and Talmud about dreams and their interpretation and amelioration. You will also receive practical tools for dream journaling and dream-interpretation. Dreams are communications between our conscious minds and our Neshama – soul, which dwells in the unconscious. It is through dreams that we communicate with all kinds of non-corporeal entities, disembodied spirits, angels or even G-d Himself. The holy Zohar states that “no occurrence materializes in the world that is not first revealed to one in a dream,” and that “the edicts of the Heavenly Court are first shown to people in dreams before the matter comes to pass.” Dreams implant a message deep within our psyche. When we awaken we may not know it, but the inner knowledge of our dreams may direct our thoughts, feelings and the course of the events in our lives. Cultivating awareness of the meaning of our dreams and their inherent power enables us to draw closer to our Creator.
Next Course:
November 17, 24, December 1, 8, 15
Time: 12 PM-2 PM EST | 7:00-9 PM IST
Kabbalah and Self-Healing Course Fees
Early Bird Prices:
$180 (NIS 560) Online course with private EmunaHealing session
$99 (NIS 360) Online course only
To claim early-bird discount, you must register and pay one full week before the course begins.
Regular Prices:
$199 (NIS 600) Online course with private EmunaHealing session
$118 (NIS 400) Online course only
$340 (NIS 1050) Two courses with 2 private EmunaHealing sessions
$265 (NIS 860) Two courses with 1 private EmunaHealing session
$188 (NIS 670) Two courses only
*NIS for Israeli residents only
*Refresher Price: $59 for any course (NIS 200) - to claim refresher price, you must have already taken that particular course. Refresher course price does not apply to Emunahealing Circle.
*Only one discount may be applied per course(s)
Regular Registration
For first time registration for any EmunaHealing Course
Quick Registration
For those who have previously taken any EmunaHealing Course
Past Participant Registration
For those retaking a course