Kabbalah and Self-Healing 3

Healing with Light and Colors

Spiritual Healing from the Torah

Kabbalah and Self-Healing 3

Healing with Light and Colors

Color is light, and light is the manifestation of creation. Without light, there would be no life, and no existence. Psychological perception of colors can change the human perception of the reality as the suitable colors affect brain in visual performance. More and more people are becoming aware of the health benefits of viewing colors. This course includes exciting new workshops on how to heal with light and candles the Torah way, as well as the healing powers of the rainbow colors according to the Torah. The course is synchronized with the energy of the months and the weekly Torah portions. Accordingly, we will learn the Torah perspective on anger and anger management during the month of Tevet when the kabbalistic sense of anger is ruling. We will practice EmunaHealing exercises for transforming negativity and resentments and receive practical tools for how to channel our own and others’ anger and negative feelings in a positive way. The course will culminate in the popular workshop: “The Healing Power of the Shema Yisrael שמע ישראל” in conjunction with the parasha where this holy prayer was first recited. We will learn how to access the power of the Shema Yisrael Prayer to nullify negative energy and entering Hashem’s light into a space.

Kabbalah and Self-Healing 3: Healing with Light and Colors Curriculum

“The Torah Way of Colors and their Healing Powers” Part 1
Color is light, and light is the manifestation of creation. Without light, there would be no life, and no existence. What does the Torah teach us about the quality of the different colors? How do the different colors mentioned in the Torah relate to the sefirot of Hashem’s manifestations in the world, and how does the Torah view on colors affect our choice of colors in our daily life? In part 1 of this workshop, you will learn about the connection between the various colors mentioned in the Torah and the human eye. You will delve into the mystical and spiritual significance of the colors and the healing energy of white, red and green, through Torah texts, discussions and powerful color meditations. Together we will explore people’s character, their strengths and weaknesses based on their preference for specific colors, how they can use these colors for personal growth and healing. This workshop is accompanied by a colorful PowerPoint presentation as well as various visualizations and guided meditations.

“The Torah Way of Colors and their Healing Powers” Part 2
Colors can have a very powerful effect on our conscious and subconscious mind. Psychological perception of colors can change the human perception of reality as suitable colors affect brain in visual performance. All colors have the potential for healing. Each has a specific therapeutic and expressive effect which can be found in the natural world around us. All we have to do is go outside to benefit from the soothing effects of the ocean blue, regain the abundance from the greens of mother earth, and become grounded in the brown soils which mark our paths from day to day. In part 2 of this workshop, we will focus on the colors sky-blue (techelet), black and gold. You will learn about the special role sky-blue plays in the Torah and why it was divinely chosen for to complement the white in the tzitzit. You will also be enlightened about the extensive research proving the exiting rediscovery of the source of the biblical techelet in recent time. Through Torah texts, various visual aids, and practicing new color meditations, you will expand your understanding of the various properties of color: For example, sky-blue – is the color of mystery – alluding to the mitzvot, whereas black – is the color of protection – that also provides self-awareness. The workshop will furthermore facilitate you to become mindful of your personal connection and reaction to the various colors mentioned in the Torah.

“The Torah Way of Colors and their Healing Powers” Part 3
More and more people are becoming aware of the health benefits of colors. Viewing different colors can be helpful for people suffering from sadness, depression, winter blues, seasonal affective disorder (SAD), fatigue and sleep disorders. Colors can also affect us in other ways through various color therapies such as drinking solarized water and laying silks of selected colors on the body. In the third part of this workshop, we will tune into color psychology and how various colors relate to user experience. You will learn why white is worn by doctors, nurses, surgeons, and scientists, whereas sky-blue is chosen for brands relating to airlines, high tech, spas, clinics, yoga, and fitness centers. Learning about discoveries, for example, how the color red can increase blood pressure, stimulate the adrenal glands, and speed up the heart rate will refine your ability to use various colors in spiritual healing. In this workshop you will also expand you Torah color palette to include additional colors of the tabernacle: Crimson (tola’at shani) and red purple – (argaman). You will furthermore learn about the symbolism and healing properties of crystals relating to the various colors, as well as healing with color in our time of redemption. The workshop is accompanied by visual aids, and additional color meditations, including color breathing exercises.

“Healing with Light and Candles” Part 1
Every religion links candles with spirituality. Hashem is the light of the world. “The candle of Hashem is the soul of mankind, revealing all his innermost parts” (Proverbs 20:27). Since a candle represents a person’s connection to the divine, lighting candles is central in the Torah world. When Hashem created the world, He contracted, as it were, some of His Infinite Light to make room for the world. When we light candles, especially Shabbat and holiday candles, which we have a mitzvah to ignite, we return sparks of the original light back into the world.
Chanukah especially is all about candles and light. In this workshop you will learn about the healing power of candles, especially Chanukah candles. You will furthermore practice candle meditations like the Kabbalists who had a special practice of candle gazing that can be particularly powerful during Chanukah, which holds the energy of miracles and primordial light.

“Healing with Light and Candles” Part 2
Whereas the physical diminishes when shared, spirituality – reflected by the candle – expands and grows when imparted to others. Since our soul is made up of divine light, looking at candles strengthens our neshama (soul). In part 2. of Healing with Light and Candles you will study the Torah’s tradition regarding candles from the time of the Mishna when Jews began the custom to light candles to honor the deceased. You will also deepen your understanding of the connection between the feminine and candle lighting, and why the woman is chosen for the specific task of lighting the Shabbat candles. As we delve deeper into the healing power of candlelight you will be enlightened in how the candle corresponds to the three main parts of our soul. Through Torah texts, life examples and the practice of new candle meditations you will methodically learn how candles are used in the Torah and gain tools for how to use candles in spiritual healing.

Next Course:
December 29 (Chanukah day 4)  January 5, 12, 19, 26

Time: Noon-2 pm EST | 7-9 pm Israel

Kabbalah and Self-Healing Course Fees

Early Bird Prices:
$180 (NIS 560) Online course with private EmunaHealing session
$99 (NIS 360) Online course only
To claim early-bird discount, you must register and pay one full week before the course begins.

Regular Prices:
$199 (NIS 600) Online course with private EmunaHealing session
$118 (NIS 400) Online course only
$340 (NIS 1050) Two courses with 2 private EmunaHealing sessions
$265 (NIS 860) Two courses with 1 private EmunaHealing session
$188 (NIS 670) Two courses only

*NIS for Israeli residents only
Refresher Price: $59 for any course (NIS 200) - to claim refresher price, you must have already taken that particular course. Refresher course price does not   apply to Emunahealing Circle.

*Only one discount may be applied per course(s)

Regular Registration

For first time registration for any EmunaHealing Course

Quick Registration

For those who have previously taken any EmunaHealing Course

Past Participant Registration

For those retaking a course

I’ve been an energy healer for many years, and the EmunaHealing has given me new techniques and inspiration to apply to my healing work.

I went through a personal illness and was able to apply the EmunaHealing techniques to get in touch with the underlying emotional and spiritual causes of the illness, and to heal myself.

The EmunaHealing Course with Rebbetzin Chana Bracha has really enriched my life, I feel much more in touch with my neshama and closer to Hashem.

Any Questions?

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