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The Book of Bereshit

Parashat Bereshit
Parsha Meditation: Calling out to G-d for the Hidden Light  
Haftorah Commentary: The Holy Women who Protect Israel
Nature in the Parsha: Life Lessons from the Shemittah (Sabbatical) Year
Lessons from the Rebbetzin’s Heart: Taking Responsibility for our Actions
Ask the Rebbetzin! Why is Eve Created from Adam?

Parashat Noach
Parsha Meditation:  Building Our Personal Sacred Space
Haftorah Commentary:  Parshat Noach and Blessing in Disguise 
Nature in the Parsha: The Dove and the Olive Leaf
Lessons from the Rebbetzin’s Heart: The Human ‘Group Animals’

Ask the Rebbetzin! Who Was Noach’s Wife?

Lessons from the Rebbetzin’s Heart: My Journey Back Home
Ask the Rebbetzin! Why is only Sarah Judged for Laughing?

Parashat Vayera
Parsha Meditation: An Opening for Healing Revelation
Haftorah Commentary: The Power of Women’s Emunah
Nature in the Parsha: Avraham’s Hospitality Tree
Lessons from the Rebbetzin’s Heart: Why Don’t Anyone Laugh Anymore?
Ask the Rebbetzin! Do Women Need to Serve Their Husbands?

Parashat Toldot
Parsha Meditation: Revealing the Well of Living Waters Within
Haftorah Commentary: The “Esavs” and the “Ya’acovs” of Today
Nature in the Parsha: Re-digging the Wells of Tradition
Lessons from the Rebbetzin’s Heart: Can Sibling Rivalry be Repaired?
Ask the Rebbetzin! Is Antoninus a True Convert?

Parashat Vayetze
Parsha Meditation: Stepping Inwards on the Ladder of Ascent
Haftorah Commentary: Ya’acov’s Toil to Deserve His Wives
Nature in the Parsha: The Secret of the Dudaim Deal
Lessons from the Rebbetzin’s Heart: Sister-Heart Protects the People of Israel

Ask the Rebbetzin! How Could Ya’acov Marry Two Sisters?

Parashat Vayishlach
Parsha Meditation: Alone with Your Soul
Haftorah Commentary: The Secret Power of Shema Yisrael
Nature in the Parsha: The Weeping Oak
Lessons from the Rebbetzin’s Heart: Dealing with Death

Ask the Rebbetzin! Did Dinah Fall in Love with the Prince of Shechem?

Parashat Miketz
Parsha Meditation: Igniting the Darkest Shadow sides of your Soul
Haftorah Commentary: Sing and Rejoice, Daughter of Zion!
Nature in the Parsha: The Menorah Shaped Sheaves
Lessons from the Rebbetzin’s Heart: Do We Need to Make our Dreams Come True?

Ask the Rebbetzin! Can You Help Me Understand My Dream?

Parashat Vayigash
Parsha Meditation: Reaching the Meeting Point of Contention
Haftorah Commentary: The Path to Peace and Redemption
Nature in the Parsha: Shepherding: The Traditional Jewish Vocation
Lessons from the Rebbetzin’s Heart: Do We Need Full-time Learning Yeshiva Boys?

Ask the Rebbetzin! How can I Forgive My Sisters?

Parashat Vayechi
Parsha Meditation: Shema Yisrael – Unifying at Heart
Haftorah Commentary: The Bridge Between Life and Death
Nature in the Parsha: The Deer Sent Forth
Lessons from the Rebbetzin’s Heart: The Blessings of Rebuke

Ask the Rebbetzin! Why Do We Bless Our Sons to be Like Ephraim and Menashe?

The Book of Shemot
Parashat Shemot
Parsha Meditation: The Five Leaved Bush of Light
Haftorah Commentary: On the Verge of Redemption
Nature in the Parsha: The Burning Bramble Bush
Lessons from the Rebbetzin’s Heart: How Do We Strengthen our Emunah in the Hope of Fruitfulness?

Ask the Rebbetzin! Why is Our Greatest Prophet Called Moshe?

Parashat Va’era
Parsha Meditation: Unblocking Hashem’s Voice Within
Haftorah Commentary: Our Actions Today Empower the Future
Nature in the Parsha: The Late Blooming Grain
Lessons from the Rebbetzin’s Heart: The Challenge of Communication

Ask the Rebbetzin!  Why is Listening so Important in the Torah?

Parashat Bo
Parsha Meditation: Eradicating our Deepest Fears
Haftorah Commentary: Hashem’s Feminine In-dwelling Presence
Lessons from the Rebbetzin’s Heart: Is there any Spiritual Difference between Jew and Gentile?

Ask the Rebbetzin! Why Do We Need a Mezuzah?

Parashat Beshalach
Parsha Meditation: Eating in Holiness – A Preparation for Receiving Torah
Haftorah Commentary: Devorah: “A Woman of Flames”
Nature in the Parsha: The Bitter Tree Sweetener
Lessons from the Rebbetzin’s Heart: Miracles, Money Matters, Manna and Emunah
Tu B’Shevat: The Holiday of Redemption

Ask the Rebbetzin! Can a Woman Play Music with Men?

Parashat Yitro
Parsha Meditation: The Tree of Love
Nature in the Parsha: The Mountain – A Window to Heaven
Lessons from the Rebbetzin’s Heart: How do we Know that the Torah is True?

Ask the Rebbetzin! Why Do Jews Claim to be the Chosen People?

Parashat Mishpatim
Parsha Meditation: Transforming Pain to Become a Source of Joy
Haftorah: Overcoming Negative Patterns and Addiction
Nature in the Parsha: The Sabbatical Year & Blessings of Redemption
Lessons from the Rebbetzin’s Heart: Does the Torah Look at Women as Sex Objects?

Ask the Rebbetzin!  Is it Permitted to Gaze at the Moon?

Parashat Terumah
Parsha Meditation: The Mishkan: A Spiritual Healing Structure
Nature in the Parsha: The Multicolored Unicorn
Lessons from the Rebbetzin’s Heart: To Give or not to Give?

Ask the Rebbetzin! Why do we Need to Know all these Details of the Mishkan (Tabernacle)?

Parashat Tetzaveh
Parsha Meditation: The Candles of Eternity
Haftorah: The Power of Visualization
Nature in the Parsha: The Mystical Turquoise Colored Snail Fish
Lessons from the Rebbetzin’s Heart: Do We Need to Wear Black Polyester Skirts for Modesty?

Parashat Ki Tisa
Parsha Meditation: Raising our Desires for Life
Nature in the Parsha: The Holy Anointing Oil
Lessons from the Rebbetzin’s Heart: 
What is the Difference between Spirituality and Holiness?
Ask the Rebbetzin! Why are only Males Commanded to Appear at the Temple During the Three Pilgrim Holidays?

Parashat Vayakhel

Parashat Pekudei
Lessons from the Rebbetzin’s Heart: Tribal Gemstones

The Book of Vayikra
Parashat Vayikra
Parsha Meditation: “Online” With Hashem
Haftorah: Praising Hashem Through Song
Nature in the Parsha: The Levona Spice 
Lessons from the Rebbetzin’s Heart: 
Picking Up Hashem’s Calls even in the Taxi
Ask the Rebbetzin! What will Give me Strength to Deal with all my Hardships?

Parashat Tzav
Parsha Meditation: Pleasure & Will – The Crown of the Soul 
Nature in the Parsha: The Twilight Ram 
Lessons from the Rebbetzin’s Heart: 
The Poor Man’s Offering
Ask the Rebbetzin! Why Do We Need All These Animal Sacrifices?

Parashat Shemini
Parsha Meditation: A Vessel for the Fire of Love and Excitement 
Haftorah: The Dance of David
Nature in the Parsha: The Pig of Return 
Lessons from the Rebbetzin’s Heart: 
When EmunaHealers and Shamanic Hebrew Priestesses Meet
Ask the Rebbetzin! How Can I Keep Family Purity When the Closest Mikvah is 2000km Away?

Parashat Tazria
Parsha Meditation: Time-out for Self-reflection and Meditation 
Haftorah: Reaching Perfection in Speech
Nature in the Parsha: Plants of Purification
Lessons from the Rebbetzin’s Heart: 
Time to Clean Up Our Speech
Ask the Rebbetzin! Our Speech Builds Heaven and Earth

Parashat Metzora
Lessons from the Rebbetzin’s Heart: Spiritual Spring Cleaning

Parashat Acharei Mot 
Haftorah: To Plant and Be Planted
Nature in the Parsha: Ingrained Giving 
Lessons from the Rebbetzin’s Heart: 
Pesach – Living by the Law of Covering our Nakedness

Parashat Kedoshim
Parsha Meditation: “Love your Fellow as Yourself” by Reconnecting with the Soul of Souls
Lessons from the Rebbetzin’s Heart: Coming Out of Pesach and Keeping the Flames of Holiness Burning
Ask the Rebbetzin! Honoring Parents

Parashat Emor
Parsha Meditation: Healing Emotions through Speech 
Haftorah: The Power of Challah
Nature in the Parsha: The Problem of Pet Sterilization 
Lessons from the Rebbetzin’s Heart: 
The Controversy of Women and Counting the Omer
Ask the Rebbetzin! Why Can’t I Marry a Kohen?

Parashat Behar
Parsha Meditation: Receiving Torah by Tuning into the Soul of the Land 
Haftorah: Redeeming the Land – The Extension of Our Soul
Nature in the Parsha: The Redemptive Secret of the Yovel Year 
Lessons from the Rebbetzin’s Heart: 
Why We Deserve This Land
Ask the Rebbetzin! How do I Deal with Reminders of My Non-Jewish Past?

Parashat Bechukotai
Parsha Meditation: Walking Upright with G-d
Haftorah: Hashem’s Miracles in Our Time
Nature in the Parsha: The Desolate Land from Desert to Bloom 
Lessons from the Rebbetzin’s Heart: 
In Which World Do We Receive Our Ultimate Reward?

Shabbat Pesach
Nature in the Parsha: The Hyssop Paintbrush
Lessons from the Rebbetzin’s Heart: 
Pesach – The Holiday for Extended Family Celebration
Ask the Rebbetzin! Why Does Preparing for Pesach have to be such Agonizing Slavery?

The Book of Bamidbar
Parashat Bamidbar
Parsha Meditation: Realigning Ourselves with Ourselves
Haftorah: Hashem’s Eternal Bond to Us
Nature in the Parsha: The Whisper of the Wilderness
Lessons from the Rebbetzin’s Heart: The Brotherhood of Physical and Spiritual Warfare
Ask the Rebbetzin! How can I Celebrate Shabbat Camping out in the Wilderness?

Parashat Naso
Parsha Meditation: The Spiritual Healing Power of the Kohanim Blessing
Haftorah: Hidden Lessons from a Hidden Woman
Nature in the Parsha: The Barley Offering: Mistress or Mastery
Lessons from the Rebbetzin’s Heart: Turning Competition and Jealousy into Unity and Peace
Ask the Rebbetzin! Where does the Torah Mention the Obligation of Hair-Covering for Married Women?

Parashat Beha’alotcha

Parsha Meditation: Prayer for Miriam’s Healing and for the Longing of our Soul
Haftorah: Sing and Rejoice Daughter of Zion!
Nature in the Parsha: The Celestial Cloud Covering
Lessons from the Rebbetzin’s Heart: Turning Our Sparks into Flames that Keeps Burning By Themselves
Ask the Rebbetzin! 
Is Judaism Racist?

Parashat Shlach L’chah
Parsha Meditation: Developing Inner Vision and Exploring the Spiritual Land
Haftorah: The Ability to Completely Turn Life Around
Nature in the Parsha: The Secret of Challah
Lessons from the Rebbetzin’s Heart: Trusting in Hashem’s Protection “Under the Vine and Under the Fig-Tree”
Ask the Rebbetzin! Is it Dangerous to Live in Israel?

Parashat Korach
Parsha Meditation: Eradicating the Energy of Korach from Within
Haftorah: The Feminine Role in Establishing True Kingdom
Nature in the Parsha: The Time-Lapse Blossoming
Lessons from the Rebbetzin’s Heart: Past Life Regression and Korach’s Soul Rectification
Ask the Rebbetzin! 
Why Can I not Be Free and Let My Hair Loose?

Parashat Chukat
Parsha Meditation: Actualizing our Trans-rational Latent Emunah
Haftorah: The Pilegesh in Our Times
Nature in the Parsha: The Perfect Mother Cow
Lessons from the Rebbetzin’s Heart: Does Juice Fasting Help Maintain Health and Alleviate Cravings?
Ask the Rebbetzin! 
Why did My Brother Have to Die so Young?

Parashat Balak
Parsha Meditation: Transforming Curses into Blessings
Haftorah: Walk Modestly with Your G-d
Nature in the Parsha: The Donkey Vision
Lessons from the Rebbetzin’s Heart: Do Our Eyes Have Power to Effect Reality?
Ask the Rebbetzin! 
Should I be Afraid of Ayin Hara (The Evil Eye)?

Parashat Pinchas
Parsha Meditation: How can Killing a Fellow Jew Restore Peace???
Haftorah: Soul Reincarnations
Nature in the Parsha: The Cryptic Caper Bush
Lessons from the Rebbetzin’s Heart: Does Pinchas Serve as a Model for ‘Price-tag’ Activism?
Ask the Rebbetzin! 
Is it Possible to Receive Prophecy Today?

Parashat Matot
Haftorah: Monogamy – Reflecting Hashem’s Relationship with His People
Lessons from the Rebbetzin’s Heart: The Vows of Vegetarianism and Peace
Ask the Rebbetzin! 
Why can the Father and Husband Nullify her Word?

Parashat Masai
Parsha Meditation: What is the Purpose for Every Stop on our Path?
Haftorah: The Way to Redemption Paved by the Jewish Family
Nature in the Parsha: The Weeping White Broom Bush
Lessons from the Rebbetzin’s Heart: Appreciating Our Promised Land

The Book of Devarim
Parashat Devarim

Parsha Meditation: Turning our Vision into Reality
Haftorah: The Shabbat of Vision
Nature in the Parsha: The Lyre Shaped Kineret Sea of Galilee
Lessons from the Rebbetzin’s Heart: 
The Blessings of Rebuke
Ask the Rebbetzin! Why is the Torah Filled with War?

Parashat Va’etchanan
Parsha Meditation: Connecting with the Unity of the Community of Israel and Hashem
Haftorah: The Inner Lights of Tu b’Av
Nature in the Parsha: Longing for the Land
Lessons from the Rebbetzin’s Heart: 
Do We Need to Make a Favorable Impression on the Gentiles?
Ask the Rebbetzin! Does the Torah Allow Smoking?

Parashat Eikev
Parsha Meditation: Listening to the Voice of Hashem with Our Heels
Haftorah: Hashem – “He” or “She” or both?
Nature in the Parsha: The Seven Fruits of the Land of Israel
Lessons from the Rebbetzin’s Heart: 
How Does the Torah Require Us to Treat Converts?
Ask the Rebbetzin! 

Parashat Re’eh
Parsha Meditation: Discovering our Personal Mission in Life
Haftorah: The Stones of the Holy Tribes
Nature in the Parsha: The Shoulder of the Land
Lessons from the Rebbetzin’s Heart: 
Was Jesus a Kind Spiritual Healer or a False Prophet?
Ask the Rebbetzin! 

Parashat Shoftim
Parsha Meditation: The Gatekeepers of our Soul
Haftorah: Tapping into Hashem’s Comforting Energy
Nature in the Parsha: Does the Torah Permit Tree-Hugging?
Lessons from the Rebbetzin’s Heart: 
Fostering Fruit Friendships
Ask the Rebbetzin! 

Parashat Ki Tetze
Parsha Meditation: Going out to Battle our Spiritual Enemies
Haftorah: The Barren Woman Bursts Out in Song
Nature in the Parsha: Is Sending Away the Mother Bird an Act of Compassion?
Lessons from the Rebbetzin’s Heart: 
Whom Do we Benefit by Dressing Modestly?
Ask the Rebbetzin! 

Parashat Ki Tavo
Parsha Meditation: Dedicating the First and Best to Hashem
Haftorah: Believe in Your Hidden Powers and Spiritual Grandeur!
Nature in the Parsha: How Can We Relate to the Mitzvah of Bikkurim (First Fruits) Today?
Lessons from the Rebbetzin’s Heart: 
Why Do We Need to Tithe the Produce of the Holy Land?
Ask the Rebbetzin! 

Parashat Nitzavim
Parsha Meditation: Standing Upright Today before Hashem
Haftorah: Dancing on the Bridge of Redemption
Nature in the Parsha: Uprooting the Bitter or Making it Sweet?
Lessons from the Rebbetzin’s Heart: 
Returning to the Root of Our Existence
Ask the Rebbetzin! 

Parashat Vayelech
Parsha Meditation: Finding Hashem in the Very Darkest Darkness
Haftorah: (at present there is no commentary for this week)
Nature in the Parsha: Why is this Land Flowing with Milk and Honey?
Lessons from the Rebbetzin’s Heart: 
What is the Purpose of the Aging Process?
Ask the Rebbetzin! 

Parashat Ha’azinu
Parsha Meditation: Finding Hashem in the Very Darkest Darkness
(after Yom Kippur)“Tuning into the Holiest Shabbat of the Year”
Haftorah: (at present there is no commentary for this week)
Nature in the Parsha: Blessed Droplets of Torah
Lessons from the Rebbetzin’s Heart: 
Why Did Our Parents Leave the Path?
Ask the Rebbetzin! 

Parashat V’Zot Ha’Bracha
Parsha Meditation: 
Haftorah: (at present there is no commentary for this week)
Nature in the Parsha: The Land of Paradisiacal Blessings
Lessons from the Rebbetzin’s Heart: 
 The Blessings of Blessing
Ask the Rebbetzin! 

Shabbat Teshuva (the Shabbat between Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur) 
Haftorah:  “Repairing the Gaps”

Parsha Meditation: Within the Glorious Clouds of Divine Embrace
Women & Simchat Beit Hashoevah