Fall Semester
In The Path of Our Matriarchs
During our fall session you will have the opportunity to study with highly acclaimed teachers. Through our in-depth textual study of Parshat Lech Lecha with Rebbetzin Chana Bracha, you can travel back in time into Avraham and Sara’s shoes. Tune into the Torah’s practical implications today, as you express your creativity, incorporating drama into the lessons, in order to expand your grasp on the textual studies. The Rebbetzin also gives exciting lessons on Women in the Bible where you can get inspired by the lives of our Biblical role-models. Receive an overview of Tanach with our talented teacher Tsippi Eggert. Taste a sample and develop a thirst for Tanach as the class will highlight one book each week. Whether you join in for two weeks or the entire academic year, you’ll delight in the learning and be inspired to further explore the separate books of the Bible during your free time. Beyond a well-rounded exposure to Torah texts and halacha there is the opportunity to engage your entire being through our weekly meditative movement with Esther Elfassi. Collect herbs while learning about their Torah and medicinal properties in the Rebbetzin’s herbal workshop. B’erot’s creative edge is truly unique. Develop aspects of your inner self with Rabbi Avraham Chira as you process all of the weeks Torah teachings during our weekly spiritual writing workshop. Reflect on what you’ve learned, internalize the teachings and outwardly express these concepts on paper. For those advanced students who speak and understand Hebrew, we offer a couple classes in easy Hebrew. Renew yourself in our classes on the Way of G-d. Discuss the purpose of creation, Free Choice, angels, dreams, astrology, the World to Come and more… Enjoy Rabbi Benarroch’s famous class on the Weekly Torah Portion, and expand and fine-tune your knowledge of Jewish Law as you learn practical halachot of Shabbat, the Jewish holidays, the Laws of the Land and more. Submit anonymously those questions that you’ve always wanted to ask but never had the venue for during our weekly “Ask the Rabbi” class with knowledgeable Rabbi Mechael Siegelbaum. Various mini-programs & Shabbatonim will accompany the regular schedule including Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan , Rosh Chodesh Kislev & our Chanukah Yom Iyun & Party
Winter Semester
Return to Your Roots
Classes include: Textual Chumash & Nach (prophets & writings), Study with guided chevruta (study partner), halacha (Jewish law), tefilah (prayer), emunah (Jewish faith), The Jewish Women in Jewish Law, Women in the Bible, Parashat HaShavua (weekly Torah portion), Chassidut, Herbal Workshop, Movement (such as yoga & free dance), & Art!
During our winter program you will have the opportunity to delve into intensive Torah textual study with highly acclaimed teachers. Through our in-depth textual Torah study with Rebbetzin Chana Bracha, you can travel back in time into Avraham and Sara’s shoes. As we come closer to Purim, the learning will shift into a thorough examination of the Scroll of Esther where you in conjunction with your teachers will reveal the miracles Purim and gain insight into the role of disguise of the various characters in the Purim story! Tune into the Torah’s practical implications today, as you express your creativity, incorporating drama into the lessons in order to expand your understanding on the textual studies. The Rebbetzin also gives exciting lessons on Women in the Bible where you can get inspired by the lives of our Biblical role-models.
Study the various books of the Tanach (Torah, Prophets & Writings) twice weekly with our talented teacher Tsippi Eggert. Taste a sample and develop a thirst for Tanach as the class will highlight one book each week. Whether you join in for two weeks or the entire academic year, you’ll delight in the learning and be inspired to further explore the separate books of Bible during your free time.
Beyond a well-rounded exposure to Torah texts and halacha, there is the opportunity to engage your entire being through our weekly meditative movement with master Yoga teacher Esther Elfassi. Moreover, in Rebbetzin’s weekly hands-on herbal workshop you will collect wild herbs while learning about their Torah and medicinal properties.
B’erot’s creative edge is truly unique. Develop aspects of your inner self with Rabbi Avraham Chira as you process all of the weeks Torah teachings during our weekly spiritual writing workshop. Reflect on what you’ve learned, internalize the teachings and outwardly express these concepts in creative writing.
For those advanced students who speak and understand Hebrew, we offer a couple classes in easy Hebrew. You’ll be inspired as Emuna Daphna Levanon explains the teachings of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov’s “Likutei Moharan,” and Chassidic insights on the Yearly Cycle of the B’nai Yissaschar.
Rejuvenate yourself and deepen your emunah in one of our most dynamic classes with Rav Avraham Itzkovitz. Discuss the purpose of creation, Free Choice, angels, dreams, astrology, the World to Come and more… Enjoy the class on the Weekly Torah Portion, and expand and fine-tune your knowledge of Jewish Law as you learn practical halachot of Shabbat, the Jewish holidays, the Laws of the Land and more. Submit anonymously those questions that you’ve always wanted to ask but never had the venue for during our weekly “Ask the Rabbi” class with knowledgeable Rabbi Mechael Siegelbaum.
Bring meaning, understanding and connection into your tefilah as you progress through the various sections of the siddur (prayer-book). Deepen your knowledge of halacha as it pertains to women with our class “The Jewish Woman in Jewish Law.”
Various mini-programs & Shabbatonim will accompany the regular schedule. Discover insights about the “new year” for trees during our Rosh Chodesh Shevat Program . Join in and experience a B’erot interactive Tu B’Shevat seder like no other and learn how to run your own seder as the we share the deep insights about medicinal and mystical properties of each of the holy fruits. During our Rosh Chodesh Adar seminar, find out what kinds of masks we wear in life & what your “mask” on Purim will reveal about you. Disguise yourself and discover how the outer garments are an expression of the inner-self at our special Purim Party. Join in with your own shtick as we perform for one another and participate joyfully in all the mitzvoth of the holiday!
Our winter session is capped off by B’erot’s Pre-Pesach Volunteer Program during University Spring break followed by the Pre-Pesach Seminar & Fruit Blessing Rosh Chodesh Nissan seminar. Cleanse more than just your home – cleanse your mind, body and soul as you prepare for Pesach.
Spring Semester
Beginning to Blossom
“Wherever you will go, I will go; wherever you lodge, I will lodge!”
Come to the Judean Hills and take up lodging in the breathtaking setting of our ancestors. Learn in depth about the path traveled by Ruth, great-grandmother to King David, as we examine the Megillat Ruth. Explore and take hikes in the Land where our ancestors and the ancestors to King David roamed on your weekly free afternoon. The program offers opportunities to learn from the best of Bat Ayin Rabbis, scholars and female role models. You will also receive a well-rounded exposure to Torah texts, Talmud, classical Jewish thought, and Chassidut. Study the various books of the Tanach (Torah, Prophets & Writings) twice weekly with our talented teacher Tsippi Eggert. Taste a sample and develop a thirst for Tanach as the class will highlight one book each week. Whether you join in for two weeks or the entire academic year, you’ll delight in the learning and be inspired to further explore the separate books of Bible during your free time.
As we count towards Shavuot, see the Sefirot come alive in your Torah and Art class as you depict the “Art of Sefirot” in a multitude of mediums. Celebrate Rosh Chodesh Iyar during our Seminar with a group singing of Hallel and learn about Spiritual Healing for the Mind, Body & Soul from Rebbetzin Chana Bracha Siegelbaum. Our Shavuot Seminar caps off the Spring session as we elevate our entire beings during our night learning program where you will learn about women’s unique role in Torah. You will discover the true essence of Shavuot in the Judean hills away from the city. The night program is followed by sunrise meditation and hitbodedut (personal prayer in nature) overlooking some of the most pristine views of Eretz Yisrael. The spring learning program is sprinkled with multiple special mini-programs which includes Yom HaZikharon where we will hear a touching and inspirational lecture from a gifted speaker. Our annual Yom HaAtzmaut program offers a nature hike where you will explore our surroundings in the Judean Hills and be able to pick wild herbs for fresh and natural tea on the way, and our traditional BBQ. On Yom Yerushalayim we will visit the Light and Sound Exhibit in Kfar Etzion and learn about the special moving history of Gush Etzion. For those who are interested to continue celebrating, there are countless more celebrations and events in Jerusalem.
Summer Semester
Art, Women & Emunah
Uplift yourself through intense Torah classes interwoven with creativity, music & movement at the art-inspiring awesome nature of Bat Ayin!
Would you like to re-connect yourself to the source of your soul, recharging yourself both physically & spiritually and rejuvenating your entire being?
Discover your inherent femininity, and how to channel it in your life!
- Bond with like-minded women integrating Torah, Nature & Creativity!
- Learn the Torah perspective on becoming a woman in modern society as you reveal your true aishet chayil within you!
- Engage in art expression through multiple mediums including weaving, mandala making, free dance, ceramics & calligraphy.
- Participate in end of the session, art gallery show and performance
Elul –Tishrei Session
Facing Your Higher Self
Prepare yourself for the Spiritual Renewal of the High Holidays with Midreshet B’erot Bat Ayin’s six-week Elul/Tishrei Session.
Elul is the time to really immerse yourself in Torah so we have intensified our program with additional classes. You will have the opportunity to learn with highly acclaimed teachers who will open your mind and soul to the depths of Chassidic, life transforming thought. In addition, our Elul program offers the best of Bat Ayin Rabbis, scholars and female role models and features a well-rounded exposure to Torah texts from the Bible, classical Jewish thought and various kinds of Chassidut.
Gain insights into the special Torah readings during Tishrei as Rebbetzin Chana Bracha Siegelbaum reveals the significance of the Torah reading of Rosh Hashana and inner dimensions of the study of Yona. Delve into the Rosh Hashana Haftora from the book of Shemuel and learn how Chana invented a new kind of prayer through her prophetic spirit, which became the blue print for the central prayer in our Siddur.
Discuss women’s role in prayer, and develop a deeper understanding and connection to the tefilah of the High Holidays when you explore the machzor (High-Holiday prayer book).
The Elul-Tishrei learning seder includes multiple special mini-programs in the spirit of the High holidays such as visiting the M’arat HaMachpelah in Chevron, where you can daven in the place where our foremothers and forefathers are buried. We will pick figs on our herbal walk to the wellsprings of Bat Ayin, and you can join us and celebrate Rosh Chodesh Elul with our Annual Grape Festival. Learn about the significance of grapes & wine as you prepare your own organic grape juice.
Escape to the Judean Hills and rejuvenate spiritually throughout our Meditative Rosh Hashana Crowing the King Retreat. You’ll become inspired as you learn the spiritual significance of the different simanim at our authentic prayerful Rosh Hashana evening Seder! And experience tashlich like never before as you hike to one of the natural springs of Bat Ayin!
During our Pre-Sukkoth Retreat, you can elevate yourself through Bat Ayin’s spiritual tefilah. In preparation for Sukkoth, learn the secret of the Simchat B’erot Hashoeva with Rebbetzin Chana Bracha Siegelbaum! As you learn the halachot and Chassidic insights on this fascinating holiday you will reveal the spiritual significance of Sukkoth.
While you express your creativity decorating the Sukkah, discover the inner aspects of the Sukkah and learn how HaShem embraces each & every one of us under the Wings of the Shechinah as we dwell within the Sukkah!
*All schedules are subject to change
When I walk in the door of B’erot Bat Ayin, I’m met by engaging, passionate faces. As we sit and we learn Torah, God’s light becomes visible. There is nothing there to blot it out of my consciousness, it’s all I see. We read from books, dated over 2000 years ago and I remember being there. I am connecting with that part of me that is eternal. I feel it! I know! It comes over me, draping me like a blanket, soft and protective, I have come home.