Retreats and Special Events

Make a deeper soul connection to Torah in your own unique way!

Retreats and Special Seminars

If you are looking for a holistic view and application of Torah, you’ll find it at Midreshet B’erot Bat Ayin, as you incorporate Torah into every aspect of yourself – mind, body & soul.

Our retreats and special events allow you to experience Torah that thrives both inside & outside of the beit midrash. Incorporate art, music, dance and drama into Torah living and learning. Traverse the hills of Bat Ayin where you can pick & learn the Torahs about the various herbs that grow naturally in the Judean Hills. Learn the medicinal properties and make a special tincture or hand cream to take home with you. Rosh Chodesh events come alive as you unite with one voice during women’s musical hallel, learn the various aspects particular to each Hebrew month, stimulate your body as you participate in a meditative movement or alternative class and share a nutritious wholesome lunch! Challenge your mind with the textual classes offered! Live, eat, sing, play and dance in our sukkah as you experience a spiritually uplifting event in Bat Ayin. Or learn insights into the various fruits & brachot at the Tu B’Shevat seder which is like no other. Each retreat/seminar will assist you to make a deeper soul connection to Torah in your own unique way!

Bring a friend to any retreat & receive a free copy of Rebbetzin’s book celebrating Jewish Femininity: “Women at the Crossroads”



Register for our Rosh Chodesh Tammuz Shabbaton here:

Retreat Cancellation Policy

* 60NIS cancellation fee until 5 days before Retreat.

* Within 5 days prior to retreat your payment, minus 60 NIS office fee, will be applied to another Midreshet B’erot Bat Ayin retreat of your choice within 2 years.

*If not otherwize stated. 

Baruch Hashem, the midrasha just completed an incredible retreat with twenty young women most B’erot students but also some great guest who merged beautifully with us. If Rosh Hashanah was truly a blueprint for the coming year, then this year will be filled with so much celebration and Ahavat Yisrael. There didn’t seem to be one moment without a song on our lips, a jig in our step, and every word filled with love, bracha, and the overwhelming hope for Moshiach. 

We were all invited to an incredible introductory meal at Rabbi and Rebbetzin Siegelbaum’s home, where we appreciated the fruits of Israel, and each woman shared a bracha for the coming year. 

The finale of the two days was arguably the most exciting part of the holiday. One of our students, Erika who now goes by her Hebrew name “Orli” prepared an amazing Amen/Bracha party. As each woman said five brachos for various foods, everyone else listened with intense kavana (intention) and responded with an affirmation of emuna in the form a resounding AMEN!  The event created a feeling of sisterhood, hope and joy for the New Year, and necessary closure. 

To finish the retreat, three B’erot students, calling themselves “Azamra”, performed in a surprise concert with such favorites as Chabad’s version of “Avinu Malkeinu” and Matisyahu’s “One Day.” Thanks to our wonderful madrichot, Nili and Adar, each student had the opportunity to meet Bat Ayin families, to pray at various shuls, and enjoy a home-cooked celebratory lunch by the B’erot students. This year is sure to be the best year yet, thanks to our new family and thanks to Hakadosh Baruch Hu.

Thank you for your encouragement to come and for putting on such a fine retreat. It was delightful!

I was enriched and am grateful to you.

Fondly, Tziporah

BH! Yasher Kochaich for EVERYTHING! It was a perfect way to bring shefah, bracha and kedushah into our lives & our world. I’d love to do this again – SOON!  A truly spiritually and physically pleasurable healing experience I wish all Jewish women to experience 🙂 – Ita

I just came back from the retreat and I’m so grateful for the light the richness and the beauty of the teaching, the incredible women I met, connected with and the healing and reconnection that I felt. Thank you for this transformative experience – Ariela

Special 5784 Events 2023/24

Elul-Tishrei Session BeginsRise To Your Higher Self – Mon Aug 21 – Shab Sept 30 – 4 Elul – 15 Tishrei
Meditative Rosh HaShana RetreatReflection & Renewal – Fri – Sun, September 15 -17 – 29 Elul – 2 Tishrei
Tzom GedalyaFast, partial program – Monday Sept 18 – 3 Tishrei
Ma’arat HaMachpelaVisit the Cave of the Patriarchs – TBD
Yom Kippur Retreat – Revive Your Soul – Sunday – Monday, Sept 24-25 – 9-10 Tishrei
Sukkot Celebration In-Shabbat – Special Program, students only – Thurs – Shabbat, Sept 28 – 30 – 13-15 Tishrei
BreakNo program – Sunday – Shabbat, Oct 1-7 – 16-22 Tishrei
Farm To Table Gardening Week With Students and Volunteers – Sunday pm – Thurs Oct 8-12 – 23-27 Tishrei
Fall ProgramGo To Your Inner Selves – Sun Oct 15 – Thurs Dec 16 – 30 Tishrei – 4 Tevet
Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan EventBeyond the Rainbow – Sun Oct 15 – 30 Tishrei
Kever RachelVisiting Rachel Imeinu’s Tomb – TBD
Rosh Chodesh Kislev Dead Sea Day Trip Tues Nov 14 – 1 Kislev
Chanukah In-Shabbat – Special Program (Students only) – Friday – Shabbat, December 8-9 – 25-26 Kislev
Chanukah Yom Iyun Chanukah Program & Party – Sunday, December 10 – 27 Kislev
BreakNo Program – Mon Dec 11– Shabbat, Dec 16 – 28 Kislev – 4 Tevet
Winter Program Return to Your Roots – Sun Dec 17 – Thurs Feb 8 – 5 Tevet – 29 Shevat
Rosh Chodesh ShevatSpecial Program – Thurs Jan 11 – 1 Shevat

Tu B’Shevat Retreat Restore Your Core – Thurs – Shabbat Jan 25-27 – 15-17 Shevat
BreakNo Program – Fri Feb 9 – Shabbat, Feb 17 – 2 Tevet – 8 Adar Aleph
Pre-Spring ProgramSprouting Forth Redemption – Sun Feb 18 – Thur Apr 11 – 9 Adar Aleph – 3 Nisan
Rosh Chodesh Adar Bet RetreatTopsy-Turvy Transformation – Sun March 10 – 30 Adar Aleph
Ta’anit EstherFast Day, Partial Program – Thurs March 21 – 11 Adar Bet
Erev Purim In-Shabbat – Special program (Students only) – Fri – Shabbat March 22-23 – 12-13 Adar Bet
Leil Purim Party –
Festive Party (& Purim Bake) – Motzei Shabbat – March 23 – 13 Adar Bet
Purim Program Retreat
Laugh Out Loud – Sun March 24 (11am -2 pm) – 14 Adar Bet
Shushan Purim Break
No program – Monday Mar 25 – 15 Adar Bet
Rosh Chodesh Nissan Event
Tree Blessing Retreat – Tuesday, April 9 – 1 Nisan
Pesach Prep Program
Cleansing & Freedom – Sun-Sun, Apr 7-15 – 
Prepped for Pesach BBQ –
After Kitchen, Adventure & BBQ – Mon April 15 – 7 Nisan
No Program – Tues April 16 – Shabbat May 4 – 8-26 Nisan
Farm to Table Gardening Week
With Students & Volunteers – Sunday – Tue, May 5-7 – 27-29 Nisan
Spring Program Grow and Let Grow – Sunday May 5 –Wed June 12 – 30 Nisan – 6 Sivan
Rosh Chodesh Iyar Spiritual Detox – Thurs May 8 – 30 Nisan
Yom HaZikaron Speaker/ Community Program – Monday May 13 – 5 Iyar
Yom HaAtzma’ut Nature Hike & BBQ Singalong – Tuesday May 14 – 6 Iyar
Erev Lag B’Omer In-Shabbat Special program & bonfire – Friday – Shabbat May 24-25 – 16-17 Iyar
Shavuot Retreat From Sinai to Bat Ayin – Tues – Wed, June 11-12 – 5-6 Sivan
Break No Program – Thurs June 13 – Shabbat, June 22 – 7 Sivan
Summer Program Women, Art & Emunah – Sun June 23 – Tues Aug 13 – 8 Sivan – 9 Av
Rosh Chodesh Tamuz In-Shabbat Special Program (Students only & Ein Livne Hike) Friday – Shabbat July 5-6 – 29-30 Sivan
17th of Tammuz Fast day, Partial Program – Tuesday July 23 – 17 Tammuz
Rosh Chodesh Av Tuning Inward – Monday August 5 – 1 Av
Fast of Tisha b’Av Special Program – Mon Eve – Tues, Aug 12-13 – 8-9 Av
Break No Program – Wed, Aug 14 – Monday, Sept 2 – 10-29 Av
Elul 5784/85 Program Facing Your Higher Self – Tue, Sept 3 – Shabbat Oct 12 – 30 Av – 10 Tishrei

Want to find out more?