Our Staff Biographies & Classes

Rebbetzin Chana Bracha Siegelbaum Director
Rebbetzin Chana Bracha Siegelbaum, a native of Denmark, is the founder and director of Midreshet B’erot Bat Ayin: Holistic Torah for Women on the Land. She holds a Bachelor of Education in Bible and Jewish Philosophy from Michlala Jerusalem College for Women and a Master’s of Art in Jewish History from Touro College. Rebbetzin Chana Bracha creates curricula emphasizing women’s spiritual empowerment through traditional Torah values. She has published the following books: Women at the Crossroads: A Woman’s Perspective on the Weekly Torah Portion; Ruth: Gleaning the Fallen Sparks; The Seven Fruits of the Land of Israel with their Mystical & Medicinal Properties; Parasha Meditations for Spiritual Renewal and Strengthening Communication with the Creator and My Memoir: The Story of a Danish Jew Who Fled the Nazis. Rebbetzin practices EmunaHealing as a gifted spiritual healer through Emunah, tefilah, and energy work. Chana Bracha has a married son and several granddaughters and lives with her husband on the land of the Judean hills, Israel.
Megillat Esther
This scroll sensitizes us to seeing G-d behind the mask of His hiding place. In our time on the verge of redemption, the role of womanhood is in transition both within the family and in the world. The Scroll of Esther taking place in the transition period between the first two Temples sheds light on the rise of Feminine Consciousness and provides a powerful role model for true Jewish feminism within the parameters of Halacha. By tuning into Esther reflection of the various phases of the moon, we will gain a deeper understanding of Jewish women’s role in the evolving process of redemption. While reading the text, we will also touch upon topics such as “Divine Providence,” and “The Relationship between Good and Evil in the world.” Creative expressions such as writing, drama, and art will be incorporated when appropriate.
Inner Torah on Pesach and the Haggadah
We will learn various selected texts from the Haggadah such as The Bread of Poverty, Mah Nishtana, Avadim Hayinu, the Four Sons, and more through textual analysis, and spiritual insight. The course will culminate with The Four Cups during the Seder & the Four Mothers from a textual and psychological perspective, exploring the process of leaving Egypt both on a national and personal level. A comprehensive source sheet in Hebrew/English with textual and mystical commentaries accompanies each of the classes.
The Kuzari – The Foundation of Emunah
This course serves as an in-depth analysis of The Kuzari on the backdrop of general medieval Jewish philosophy. Through reading, introspection, and discussion the student will discover the foundation of Jewish belief as portrayed by Rabbi Yehuda HaLevi. The course highlights the structure and pattern of the text of The Kuzari as well as the gradual development of the Khazar king’s self-discovery. Concurrent with her learning of the Khazar king’s gradual discovery of true emunah, the student, herself, will develop and expand her own perspective step by step. She will realize how emunah affects everything and how everything that we believe affects how we think and behave.
Basic Jewish Concepts
This class is for beginners and those who have focused on the inner dimensions of the Torah and want to fill the gaps in their basic Torah knowledge. In Basic Jewish Concepts, we will systematically cover the foundation of the Torah, including Torah Hebrew terminology, reviewing the Tanach, The Written Torah (Bible); the development and structure of Torah She’Ba’al Peh – (Oral Law); Emunah (Jewish Faith); major Torah personalities who contributed to biblical, medieval and modern History; summarizing the Jewish holidays and more. Whereas Basic Jewish Concepts is not exclusively for conversion students, the topics have been gleaned from the Rabbis’ questions at the final Beit Din for conversion. The class is interactive, each week students are given an assignment to present to the class.
Rav Shlomo Carlebach on Purim and Pesach
This Chabura is based on Lev HaShamayim: Rav Shlomo Carlebach’s teachings arranged by Shmuel Zivan. The book contains deep messages with inner dimensions on the holiday of Freedom and ethical messages on how to experience our personal liberation from Egypt. The book is in Hebrew and the class is taught in easy Hebrew for our advanced level students. We will take turns to read, translate, and explain selected pieces from the book. Then we engage in an exciting discussion of how Rav Shlomo Carlebach’s teachings apply to our personal lives.
Herbal Workshop, Torah & Healing
The Herbal Workshop integrates vast information of the ancient wisdom of our Torah about plants, herbology, nutrition and health with traditional folk medicine and medical research. The course delves into textual Torah sources on herbs and healing, as well as general knowledge of the use of herbs. When the blessed rain begins to fall, the healing herbs will pop up ready to be picked for B’erot Bat Ayin Herbal Formula for Colds, Cough and Flu. A comprehensive source sheet in Hebrew/English accompanies the textual study of each of the classes integrating, Bible texts, Midrash, chassidism kabbalah, folk medicine and medical research.

Rabbi Mechael Siegelbaum, MD Rabbi of B’erot
Rabbi Dr. Siegelbaum holds a BA in Philosophy and Psychology from Yale University, and an MD from Rutgers Medical School, New Jersey. Rabbi Mechael received his rabbinical ordination from Toras Zekeinim, Jerusalem in 1987. In addition to teaching halacha in B’erot Bat Ayin, Rabbi Siegelbaum learns Torah, is active in the Bat Ayin central synagogue, where he serves as the Gabbay, and practices medicine part-time in Bat Ayin.
Rav Siegelbaum will discuss the halacha pertinent to the Purim and Pesach. In addition, to learning the “how” of the mitzvot, the student will come to appreciate the process of the development and transmission of halacha from the written and oral Torah till Contemporary halachic responsas.

Rabbi Avraham Itzkovitz Jewish Thought
Avraham spent the first 16 years of his life on American army bases in Europe and the United States while attending litvish style yeshivot, after which he made aliyah with his family to Jerusalem. After high school, he pursued his hobbies of rock keybordist/songwriter, creative writing and BMX biking while tutoring at Yeshivat Ohr Sameach and working in the optometry industry. His hobbies led him to Manhattan where he almost signed a record contract with Atlantic Records, but Hashem had other plans for him. Avraham returned to Jerusalem, worked as a landscape artist whilst studying psychology and anthropology at the Hebrew University. At the age of 27, he ‘retired’ to come study full time at the Bat Ayin Yeshiva for seven years. Avraham, his wife and 5 children live in Bat Ayin, where he teaches, practices safrut and therapy.
Parashat HaShavua
Rav Iskowitz will be teaching our Parashat HaShavua from an inner dimension viewing the weekly Torah portion as part of a bigger plan – part of the jigsaw puzzle and tapestry of life. Delve into the depth of the weekly Torah portion integrating textual and inner dimensions of the Torah. You will receive a broad perspective as to how the parsha is lived today and how it pertains to your life today.

Tsipi Egert Neviim (The Prophets)
Tsipi Egert grew up in Israel where she attended high school. She received her B.A. in Jewish History from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Tsipi has been teaching Nevi’im (The Prophets) at Midreshet B’erot Bat Ayin since 1998 and has a Master’s in Education in Tanach from Herzog College. She is currently obtaining a MA at Bar Ilan University towards a PhD in Tanach. Tsipi lives with her family in Efrat, Gush Etzion.
From Slavery to Redemption in the Book of Shemot
How does a people move from slavery to freedom? What does it mean to be free, and how do the People of Israel attain this freedom in the book of Shemot? In this class, we will explore the psychological, cultural, and spiritual processes that define the Exodus from Egyptian bondage and the inception of the Jewish nation.

Yedida Miriam Levy Creative Expression
Yedida Miriam grew up in UK and made aliyah early on. With a passion for education, and a background in theatre, she spent ten years teaching in Jerusalem, before returning to Bat Ayin in 2018. Her passion is ‘tutoring’, teaching the Holy texts, and Hebrew ~ making it accessible to students.
Purim Spiel Preparation –Torah & Self-Discovery through Drama
Using Megillat Esther as a base, we will delve into Esther’s journey, exploring the challenges she faced, while also gaining a greater understanding of ourselves, and our potential of the Jewish Woman. This workshop will include drama techniques such as Character Exploration, Personal Monologue – Inner Monologue, and Character Through Line of Action.

Devorah Konikov Tefilla
Originally from New York, Devorah made aliyah with her husband in 1996. She has a close connection with and experience as a tour guide at Machon HaMikdash (The Temple Institute). Devorah is a mother and grandmother, raising a growing family in Bat Ayin for 21 years. She is striving and thriving with life skills ingrained from learning chassidut. Devorah is a long-time student of Rav Yitzchak Ginsburgh Shlita. Devorah lives in Bat Ayin with her husband. They have 10 children and one granddaughter.
Climbing the Ladder of Tefilah
Tefilla can be viewed as the ladder to self-transformation. We will learn the inner meanings of our daily tefilot, going deep into the words. The class will spend a significant amount of time on the Amidah (Silent Prayer) which makes up the bulk of the daily prayers. We will learn the inner meanings of the various prayers, going deep into the words, to emerge rejuvenated and strengthened to fulfill our roles in life.

Avital Gastwirth Rav Kook
Avital Gastwirth teaches at Ulpanat Orly and is a certified kallah teacher. She studied in Nishmat’s Yoetzet Halacha course and Machon Puah’s Yoetzet Refua V’halacha (halachic medical counselor) course. In addition to her degree in Tanach, Israel studies, and education from Michlelet Herzog, Morah Avital brings a wealth of fascinating experiences to our midrasha as a previous editor of Mizrachi Magazine, coordinator of various educational programs, and as a talented artist. She lives in Alon Shvut with her husband and children.
Preparing for Geulah in the Teachings of Rav Kook
Rav Kook is known as our modern-day prophet, a visionary whose spiritual and redemptive teachings speak to the individual, the people of Israel, and humanity as a whole. Rav Kook writes that sometimes a person who seems free is, in reality, enslaved, while a slave can sometimes be truly free. This semester we’ll delve into Rav Kook’s teachings on slavery and freedom. We’ll study the spiritual roots of slavery, appreciate the definition of true freedom, discover the importance of individual and national identity, and prepare ourselves for redemption.

Kochava Rosenbaum Dating & Marriage
Kochava is the current Dorm Mother of Midreshet B’erot Bat Ayin and lives on campus with her husband and three children. She especially enjoys teaching and one-on-one tutoring at the midrasha, going on special tiyulim and creating a lively and warm atmosphere on campus. Aside from her role as Dorm Mother she is a creative content writer and ceramics arts teacher.
Dating and Marriage in a Jewish Perspective
In this class, we will focus on sources from the Torah, midrash, and chazal about interpersonal relationships. We will present texts on different types of relationships within the family, between man and woman, children and parents, and within the greater society. We will discuss how to build our personality from what we learn and how the Torah stories inspire a higher level of ethics and morality in our interpersonal relationships.

Chaya Mira Schwartz Movement
Chaya Mira (also known as Hollan Schwartz) brings over 30 years of experience in education and coaching, driven by a deep passion for uncovering hidden gifts in others and guiding them toward their true path. As a nationally certified personal trainer, nutritionist, coach, and injury prevention specialist, she founded and runs TrU Fitness and Nutrition – an integrative health business offering classes, seminars, and wilderness expeditions.
Mindful Movement
We develop flexibility and strength, JOY, and awareness through exercises that align us to our individual design, unifying motion and fascia, building bone and joint integrity needed to age into increased youth. We learn about the science of our bodies, as physical vessels paralleling the sefirot and metaphysical components, integrating physicality with our spirituality, and the art of becoming fully congruent, creatively called to join the ranks of women arising as spiritual warriors with strong bodies and supple hearts, receptive ears, and wise minds – to move through the platform of our life purpose with Geula impact.
Learn to do the mitzvot of tending and harvesting from the Land of Israel and experience how you can transform yourself through the process. In this class, we will plant and maintain the beautiful garden campus we have here at B’erot, planting various seasonal crops, which we will harvest for lunches and use in our herbology class.
Sara Gottlieb Chassidut
Sarah Gottlieb is a mom of 9 children B”H who recently made Aliyah with her family from California to Bat Ayin. Sarah grew up in a Chabad family and is a Bais Ya’acov graduate who also learned at Machon Shoshanat Yerushalayim Seminary. She holds a B.A. in Liberal Arts from Ma’alot of Los Angeles and has taught Jewish studies at various high schools. Sarah is passionate about raising each of her children according to his or her way, while being engaged in mitzvot such as Hachanasat Orchim and outreach. Our students all feel welcome and comfortable in the home of her family.
Purim and Pesach through a Chassidic Lense
Purim and Pesach through a Chassidic Lense will be sharing deeper perspectives on Purim and Pesach gleaned from the teaching of Chabad.
Additional Teachers

Rabbi Daniel Kohn
Rav Daniel Kohn is the rabbi of Bat Ayin. He has taught hundreds of students, uniquely combining the world of Torah learning, Jewish mysticism, and deep psychological insight. A talented musician and composer, Rav Daniel’s own spiritual path took him from university studies at Columbia College to many years of yeshiva learning and to ordination by the Chief Rabbinate of Israel, Rav Zalman Nechmia Goldberg and the “Crown of Wisdom” by Rav Avraham Farbshtein. Deeply rooted in Talmud and halacha, Rav Daniel also draws his innovative insights from his profound knowledge of Maharal, Kabbala, Rav Kook, and Chassidut, especially the teachings of the first Lubavitcher Rebbe and his student Rav Aaron Halevi. Rav Daniel lectures and conducts meditation retreats and personal growth seminars for groups, academic staff, and communities throughout Israel. Rav Daniel has produced three music albums and recently published a learning package and book (in Hebrew) called The Siddur as a Spiritual Journey soon to be published in English.