Tu B’Shevat Retreat | Restore Your Core
Thursday, Jan. 25 – Shabbat, Jan. 27
Shevat is a month of hope and renewed biorhythms, connection to our environment, and return to our true sublime nature. And Tu B’Shvat is the culmination of our winter program, Return to Your Roots, with our annual Tu B’Shvat Retreat at B’erot Bat Ayin.
Retreat includes:
❆Class on Conscious Eating
❆Candle lighting Meditation
❆Spiritual, Nature Art Project
❆Gardening Workshop – Grow and Let Grow
❆Meditative, Mystical Tu B’Shevat Seder
❆The Spiritual Power of Brachot
❆Creative Whole-Body Experience
❆Meditative Movement and Mindful Dance
❆Nutritious, Delicious Meals
❆Singing | Sharing | Nature Walk | Connecting | Praying and More…

Join us to heal your relationship with yourself, the environment, and your Creator through Conscious Eating, Spiritual Healing & Meditation, Nature Art, and this year’s unique Shemitah Gardening Workshop. In addition, you will enjoy fun celebration, performance, singing, dance, and delicious, wholesome food. The retreat culminates with our mystical, meditative Tu B’Shvat Seder.
B’erot Bat Ayin Retreat Center offers you an opportunity to tune into your soul and access Hashem’s healing light within, against the backdrop of rugged Judean mountains and serene skies. Together with like-minded, holy women, you will find beauty to feed your soul and peace to ease your mind while you enjoy nature, Torah teachings, and healing workshops. Take home a renewed connection to self, others, nature, and the Creator of All.
❆ B’erot Bat Ayin Retreat Center is located on 5 dunams in the center of Yishuv Bat Ayin, a 4 minute walk to our main shul.
❆ Register before January 17th to use our 15% off Early-Bird-Discount!
Code – FBBA15
❆ Register today to save your spot!
❆ Yes, pre-registration is required!

* Full Program in Retreat Center, Single Occupancy – NIS 550
2 nights, 3 days, Shabbat, Tu B’ Shevat Seder, private room in new buildings with AC/heat, fridge, tea kettle, linens, Shabbat Timers, possibly sharing bath w/one woman, and private entrance.
*Full Program in Retreat Center, Double Occupancy – NIS 490:
2 nights, 3 days, Shabbat, Tu B’ Shevat Seder, shared room with one other woman in new buildings with AC/heater, tea kettle, linens, Shabbat Timers, Shared bath w/3 women (when we have full occupancy) and private entrance.
* Thursday Program Only with Tu B’Shevat seder – 90 NIS
All payments to Midreshet B’erot Bat Ayin Retreat Center and Student Dormitories are considered a donation to support Midreshet B’erot Bat Ayin – Holistic Torah on the Land. Ma’aser (charity) money may be used to pay for your stay.

Can’t make it in person Join us online!
and or print out our beautiful Tu b’Shevat place-mat with all the Brachot for each world!
For a minimum donation of $18, we would love to send you a gift of Midreshet B’erot Bat Tu b’Shevat Placemat, with explanations of the Tu b’Shevat Seder, and the Zoom Link to this year’s Tu B’Shevat Seder happening live on campus (women only).
After donating you will receive an email containing a PDF file with the Tu b’Shevat Placemat to print out and enjoy at your Seder table for years to come (the Placemat is extra wide and double-sided), you are also welcome to print out our glossary of Tu b’Shevat terms.
The Zoom link to Midreshet B’erot Bat Ayin’s Tu B’Shevat Seder for Thursday, January 25, 3-5 pm Israel time / 8-10 am EST will also be included in the donation gift package. Thank you for your support!
Registration for Tu b’Shevat placemat and Zoom link only.
Registration for Tu b’Shevat place-mat and zoom link only here
Retreat Cancellation Policy
* 60 NIS cancellation fee until 5 days before Retreat
* Within 5 days prior to retreat your payment, minus 60 NIS, will be applied to another Midreshet B’erot Bat Ayin retreat of your choice within 2 years.