Give yourself the freedom and time to be able to:
- Learn for yourself that Torah is more than just the rote performance of the “mitzvoth” and has a deep spirituality just waiting for you to discover!
- Discover your innate talents that you want to further develop to enhance your life
- Live the full cycle of the year in detail and lay strong foundations for the next stages in life when learning isn’t always possible!
- Study Lech Lecha, Megillat Esther, & the book of Ruth in depth
- Gain insights on the weekly Torah portion to share at the Shabbat table!
- Take a nature hike around the Judean hills and explore the Land where our forefathers and foremothers walked!
- Simply sit down, process the experiences of the day and have an amazing new idea, song, or poem flow out from you effortlessly!
- Enjoy a bonfire singing, drumming, dancing & really feeling Hashem’s presence
All this awaits you in Midreshet B’erot Bat Ayin’s year long program!
Beginner Students
Regardless of where your knowledge base is at the moment, join Midreshet B’erot Bat Ayin’s beginner program and notice what changes you will experience over the course of your year of learning.
- Develop and/or deepen your personal connection to Torah in a time frame that is authentic for you.
- Become proficient in reading and translating passages from the Tanach.
- Increase your confidence in order to share a piece of Torah at the Shabbat table.
- Gain a basis of halacha to enable you to depart at the end of the year secure in your knowledge and ability to live a Torah life.
- Experience a Torah community where you can nurture your mind, body and soul!
- Connect to the Land and People of Israel
Advanced Students and Student Madricha
Through our intensive morning classes devoted to Tanach, Halacha, Chassidut and chevruta, advanced students will be able to further develop their textual skills and improve their grasp of deeper Torah concepts as our teaching staff incorporates many kabbalistic and Chassidic concepts into each shiur. An opportunity to further develop ones modern Hebrew is available through select shiurim which are taught in an easy Hebrew.
If you are looking for holistic Torah where you can connect to both the body and the soul of Torah, Midreshet B’erot Bat Ayin is exactly the place for you!
Please note that the Advanced Program is dependent on adequate advanced student enrollment. For those advanced students who enroll in our year program as a madricha, in addition to the above, you will gain valuable leadership experience and develop organizational skills that will prepare you for your future.
Walking down the hill to B’erot Bat Ayin, gravel rumbling underneath my shoes, I can feel serenity whispering through me. Colors that catch my eye, of flowers so open to the nourishment of the sun. Grasses that seem greener than any I’ve seen before. I’m aware, of the holy essence present, allowing me to see what I may never have noticed before. Beauty so piercing, it brings tears to my eyes. When I walk in the door of B’erot Bat Ayin, I’m met by engaging, passionate faces. As we sit and we learn Torah, God’s light becomes visible. There is nothing there to blot it out of my consciousness, it’s all I see. We read from books, dated over 2000 years ago and I remember being there. I am connecting with that part of me that is eternal. I feel it! I know! It comes over me, draping me like a blanket, soft and protective, I have come home.